What is “Eyes Open Childbirth Hypnosis”?

Eyes-Open Childbirth Hypnosis is one of the excellent techniques that sets
Hypnobabies apart from other natural childbirth programs and helps our Hypno-Moms to truly enjoy childbirth.  It originally comes from master hypnotist Gerald Kein’s exploration of exactly what women wanted in childbirth as he sat down with a group of them and they gave him their invaluable feedback.

“I don’t want to be relegated to a hospital bed, only lying down to maintain my relaxation and focus! When I’m giving birth, I don’t want drugs, and I want to be physically comfortable doing what comes naturally!  I want to be able to move around freely, change positions, eat, drink, communicate, shower, squat and as I do, I want to be completely relaxed, calm, confident and completely comfortable!”

Not asking too much, were they?

Actually, NO. Gerald Kein set about to create..

 exactly what they asked him to – a way for women to use hypnotic childbirth while being supremely mobile, able to easily move into upright positions that aided in the descent and position of the baby during birthing, while still allowing the mother to enjoy childbirth comfortably. These hypnosis suggestions were built right  into his Painless Childbirth scripts, reinforced many times and very powerfully created exactly that. He called it, “Eyes-Open Childbirth Hypnosis” and we decided to use it in Hypnobabies, which Gerry is very proud of, and the rest is…history.

What do moms who use this technique have to say about it?

Kristin L family_2“I used Eyes-Open-Childbirth Hypnosis almost exclusively during my Birthing Time. I enjoyed relaxing in ‘off’ during a few scripts, but mostly used my ‘Center’ switch. I really like to sing, and found that I felt more comfortable during my pressure waves when I vocalized/moaned… as the pressure in my belly increased with pressure waves, I imagined all the tightness dissipating as I hummed. I sat on a birth ball and rocked, relaxed in the tub, and cuddled with my husband, using my center switch the entire time, able to use all of my hypnosis techniques while remaining active and upright. I had my Birthing Affirmations playing in the background, and my support people using verbal Birth Prompts and “relax” help, and I actively used my “Peace” cue, especially while pushing. I loved my birth – every minute of it!  ~ Kristin, OR

Sheridan and Bryson Training“During my birthing time, I spent the majority of it walking, talking, laughing and moving about, all while in deep hypnosis.  I was able to do this because of my center switch which I created in Hypnobabies.  I was still comfortable, even while walking the halls of the hospital and having my pressure waves.  The nurses didn’t know quite what to think as I was laughing and chatting away during my birth.

As the pressure waves intensified I did turn off during the pressure waves, but would again be in center and talking between.”  ~ Sheridan, CA