We Should Always Be Encouraging Someone Who Wants A Natural Birth

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We Should Always Be Encouraging Someone Who Wants A Natural Birth

What Not To Say To Someone Who Wants A Natural Birth
by Gabrielle Volkmer
ICEA Birth Educator, Blogger and Community Organizer. See more of her writing on TheBirthingSite.com and her blog, BirthBeyondBias.com

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We here at Hypnobabies always wonder why it is that people feel the need to say negative things or share horrible birth stories with pregnant women. This article touches on just that subject
iStock MomandDoulaSofa1-300x225“You won’t be able to do it, so just save yourself the disappointment and stop trying to be a superhero.”

“Yeah, tell me how that goes.”

“All first time moms say that.”

“What? Why? Are you stupid or something?”

“If you think having a natural birth makes you a better parent you need to get over yourself.”

“Why would anyone want to do that when you could just have a C-section and be in and out?”

“So why do people think it’s ok to criticize and viciously attack women who choose to pursue a natural birth? Why are women who choose natural birth seen as crazy, reckless, or “hippies”? This has to stop. Judgment needs to disappear from the birth world. Attacking others for their choices, natural or medical, will never change their minds. Rather, it will breed anger and resentment. It’s high time people everywhere began to realize that. It’s time women started supporting each other. It’s time to open a dialogue about issues that people don’t see eye to eye on.” “It’s time to move past natural versus medical, doctor versus midwife, home birth versus hospital. It’s time that families began to make decisions based on the best evidence and how it pertains to them in their individual situations.” Read the rest of this article HERE.