Taylor’s Hypnobabies Hospital Birth

Taylor’s Hypnobabies Hospital Birth

“Starting to think this was the real deal, I listened to Easy First Stage (Hypnobabies main birthing time track) with my light switch off (Hypnobabies technique for entering hypnosis) on the drive to the hospital, and we arrived around 7:30 am, my birthing waves getting stronger but still 2 minutes apart.”

Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis really does help you enjoy a much easier and more comfortable birthing! Use code hypno1528 for 10% off our Hypnobabies Home Study Courses.

Our second little girl, first Hypno-baby (and first ever Hypno-baby at my hospital!), was born on April 17th at 10:59 am. I was 40 weeks and 6 days and had been listening to Come Out Baby (Hypnobabies hypnosis track for encouraging baby to born) for 2 days, which I believe helped!

I woke up at 5 am on Wednesday with light birthing waves (Hypnobabies word for contractions) about 7 minutes apart. They felt similar to the pre-birthing waves (Braxton Hicks) I had been feeling for the 2 previous days except I could also feel them a bit in my back. I went ahead and took a hot bath and listened to Your Birthing Time Begins (Hypnobabies reminder of all tools and techniques for birthing) and Birthing Day Affirmations, not in hypnosis because I didn’t know I was in my birthing time and was fairly comfortable. I was induced with my first child, so I had never experienced my birthing waves starting on their own. Once those two tracks were over, my birthing waves were consistently 2-3 minutes apart but not any stronger. So, I went ahead and called the nurse at the hospital, and she recommended I go in and get checked.

Starting to think this was the real deal, I listened to Easy First Stage (Hypnobabies main birthing time track) with my light switch off (Hypnobabies technique for entering hypnosis) on the drive to the hospital, and we arrived around 7:30 am, my birthing waves getting stronger but still 2 minutes apart. They checked me in the outpatient room with my light switch off, and I was dilated to a 2. So, the nurse told me she would come back in 2 hours to check me again. Not even an hour later my waves had become significantly stronger while listening to Deepening Your Hypnosis (Hypnobabies track to deepen the level of hypnosis).

So, we called the nurse back in, and I was dilated to a 5. My husband and mother were by my side using my Relax cue (Hypnobabies technique to deepen hypnosis) and massaging my back, which were both extremely helpful, but I then listened to Fear Clearing (Hypnobabies track for releasing fears) because I was starting to have doubts that I could make it through without an epidural, which I received with my first child. I remember telling myself that each birthing wave was only a minute long, that each wave felt like a big, strong hug, that I would meet my baby soon, and to use my Peace cue (Hypnobabies cue for instant physical comfort). ❤️

Minutes later I was moved into the birthing room while listening to Easy First Stage again. After I was settled into the birthing room, I was checked again and dilated to an 8 but not quite 100% effaced. During the next birthing wave, I felt the urge to push, and I let the nurse know. She told me to try to just breathe through the urge since I was not yet fully effaced and also not to force any more pushes other than what my body was naturally doing. I tried just breathing during the next birthing wave but my body naturally pushed, nonetheless. The nurse checked me again, and I was fully effaced.

I then had my husband play the Pushing Baby Out track (Hypnobabies track just for pushing) out loud in the room, and this is when I began coming out of hypnosis (I think it just needed to be played louder 🙂). I began repeating out loud “Peace” through my birthing waves, trying to stay focused and relaxed. My husband also kept saying “relax” in my ear, and my mother and all of the staff were very encouraging by saying how amazing I was doing. I had 3 more birthing waves before I felt my baby crowning, and my body was telling me that it was time to push continuously through my waves. Side note- while I was able to keep my hands relaxed, I had my husband squeeze my hands, and it felt so amazing! Three birthing waves and just minutes later my beautiful little girl was born! ❤️

I was only in the birthing room for approximately 30 minutes before she was born, and by using my Hypnobabies techniques it seemed to go by much faster! Afterward, I turned off my light switch (second picture) while birthing the placenta and then later through my uterus cramps. Baby girl and I are both perfectly healthy, and I also did not tear at all this time! I could not be happier with my Hypnobabies experience ❤️❤️❤️