Michaela’s Hypnobabies Hospital Induction

Hypno-family laying in hospital bed smiling

Michaela’s Hypnobabies Hospital Induction

“My body started instinctively pushing, they checked again, and I was complete, cracking jokes and smiling between waves. Baby girl was born at 8:49pm! That transformation & pushing phase happened so fast and it was the most amazing thing I’ve ever experienced!!”

Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis really does help you enjoy a much easier and more comfortable birthing! Use code hypno1528 for 10% off our Hypnobabies Home Study Courses.

Kalyn Noland Photography

🥰 I had every intention to start my birthing time (Hypnobabies term for labor) on my own, but my blood pressure had other plans at my 38 week appointment & since baby has a possible heart difference, it was strongly recommended to me that I go in for an induction that day! This pregnancy has been hard— my birth plans completely changed when we found out baby would need a NICU team at her birth. I could no longer birth at the birthing center.

Kalyn Noland Photography

We went in for my induction on Tuesday around 1 pm. We got to set the tone for our experience! Put up a sign about how this was a Hypnobabies birth, “please maintain peaceful & calm atmosphere.” We had the relaxation music playing out loud, lavender essential oils diffusing, and things really were peaceful! I had been listening to my Birthing Day Affir

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mations the whole way to the hospital and continued to do so. My husband Austin was incredible with speaking for me, letting me stay focused on hypnosis.

We finally got things started with Cytotec around 4 pm— I decided to allow for cervical checks because the care team nee

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ded to know how my body was progressing. I stayed in hypnosis through waves all night, getting a little sleep and sneaking food when the nurse wasn’t in the room 😘

After 3 doses of Cytotec, my cervix was at 1 cm around 10 am 😅 and they recommended the Foley bulb as a next step, to which I said OK! Anything to avoid Pitocin.

That was inserted in the morning on Wednesday, and the waves instantly got more intense. Around 11:35 am the bulb fell out! The intensity subsided and the midwife recommended a super low dose of Pitocin to keep things moving. Started that at 12:30 pm. The waves got intense slowly, and then I allowed for a cervix check around 6 pm. I think they said my cervix was at a 5?? I didn’t pay too much attention because I knew things were progressing and we don’t birth by numbers.

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At 6:35 I went to the bathroom and my water broke as I stood up! The intensity increased and my doula/photographer arrived just in time— transformation (Hypnobabies term for transition)!!I could tell I was getting there because the waves were on top of each other. My husband was INCREDIBLE with the “Release” (Cue to instantly enter hypnosis) and “Peace” (Cue for instant physical comfort) cues. It helped me to vocalize during transformation and pushing, and I was able to choose whatever pushing position I wanted because no medical anesthetic 🙌🏼

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When they say you don’t birth by numbers, they’re serious. I said yes to another check around 8 pm probably? I was at a NINE. My doula suggested my husband sit behind me in the bed so I could melt into him. I never thought I’d push on my back, but that ended up being the most comfortable. My body started instinctively pushing, they checked again, and I was complete, cracking jokes and smiling between waves. Baby girl was born at 8:49pm! That transformation & pushing phase happened so fast and it was the most amazing thing I’ve ever experienced!!