Loneka’s Change of Plans Hypnobabies C-Section

Loneka’s Change of Plans Hypnobabies C-Section

“I share this because there were multiple times along the way where I could have lost it completely, but my Hypnobabies training kicked in and got me through the process.”

Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis really does help you enjoy a much easier and more comfortable birthing! Use code hypno1528 for 10% off our Hypnobabies Home Study Courses.

I have dealt with social anxiety over the years and stressful situations tend to push me over the edge. My past struggles with anxiety and a desire to have a natural birth led me to Hypnobabies. Without going into too much detail, my planned natural birth turned into an unplanned C-section. My baby was in distress, and after watching his heart rate plummet with each pressure wave, I just wanted him to be here safely. I share this because there were multiple times along the way where I could have lost it completely, but my Hypnobabies training kicked in and got me through the process. First, I was able to handle every procedure and pressure wave with ease. Second, as stated in the daily affirmation, I felt completely in control of every decision that was made. Third, the affirmation that states that I am open to whatever path the birthing time takes was very effective. I was completely calm throughout, so much so that most of the medical professionals commented on it. I share this because even though this was not the birth I visualized, the Hypnobabies training was an important part of this process. I am thankful for the time invested in the program and would recommend it highly.

A - Kimberly Gross
I became passionate about the field of childbirth after the birth of my son and wanted to help families have the best birth experience possible.