Jessica’s Wonderful, Wild Hypnobabies Birth

Baby in a basket with a pink bow and blanket and a sign that says from God

Jessica’s Wonderful, Wild Hypnobabies Birth💕

“Honestly, I kind of just thought I had to poop, and figured once I was done I could just get up and go to the birthing center. But nope, I felt something down there and when I reached down with my hand, I learned that her head was already almost out!”

Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis really does help you enjoy a much easier and more comfortable birthing! Use code hypno1528 for 10% off our Hypnobabies Home Study Courses.

After having some time to reflect on my experience, I finally feel ready to share it with you all! Let me start by saying it was fast, only an hour long from the first “real” birthing wave (Hypnobabies term for contractions) to the first time I held my baby girl in my arms. It was July 8th, I was 41+4 weeks, and had just had an appointment with my midwife that morning at 9 am. I had been against cervical checks the entire pregnancy, but this time decided to not only let her check me but also do a membrane sweep (she did 3 “sweeps”). So, I got myself into hypnosis, she did her thing, I felt absolutely NO discomfort (thanks Hypnobabies🙌) and I left. At that time, I was 5cm dilated.

I was going through the day feeling fairly normal after my appointment. I was slightly more crampy, but it didn’t stop me from carrying on with my day. I went grocery shopping with the family, went home and made lunch, and ate castor oil eggs (midwife suggested). It was around 1 pm, and I started feeling tired and pretty nauseous, so I decided to lay down before my boyfriend left for work at 2. I listened to the Deepening Your Hypnosis track (Hypnobabies track for deepening the level of hypnosis) and got a nice little nap in.

Now it was 2 pm. My grandma called me, and my ringtone scared me basically out of hypnosis. Shortly after that, my boyfriend came in and let me know he was getting ready to go to work, so I needed to get up to take care of our son. But right as I was about to get up, my birthing time (Hypnobabies term for labor) kicked into full gear. Perfect timing since I had JUST fallen out of hypnosis, right? 😅

The waves immediately began coming about 1 to 1.5 mins apart, and they were a minute long. I can only really describe them as POWERFUL. Each wave started from my head, slowly radiating down my body to my toes. It had me feeling very shaky and tingly. It was hard to do much of anything with them not giving me a break in between, so I stayed in bed and repeated some of my favorite Hypnobabies affirmations to myself, along with growling “Peace” (Hypnobabies cue for instant physical comfort) during my very intense birthing waves. *The peace cue was a lifesaver!!!!*

After about 45 minutes of this, I became very overwhelmed and confused. I wasn’t able to get back into hypnosis, or even really focus on anything other than trying to breathe and let my body do its thing. I really thought it would have slowed down, and that maybe my body was just trying to regulate itself, but at that point I realized this was the pace my body was going and I needed to prepare for a potentially long, exhausting birthing.

My boyfriend convinced me that we should head to the birthing center since things were clearly not slowing down, and I very slowly started getting up out of bed in between waves. I felt a slight urge to push but knew there was no way it was time and I kind of just brushed it off.

Once I was finally out of the bed, which took what felt like FOREVER because waves were literally coming one on top of the other, I immediately squatted down and started pushing, totally involuntarily😳 Honestly, I kind of just thought I had to poop, and figured once I was done I could just get up and go to the birthing center. But nope, I felt something down there and when I reached down with my hand, I learned that her head was already almost out! **I want to note how relieved and excited I felt at this point! I was just minutes away from meeting my baby and I was able to have the natural birth I had always wanted! No unnecessary medications or interventions, no pressure from medical staff, PERFECT🙌🥰**

So, I let my boyfriend know to call and have an ambulance sent, because I had hemorrhaged with my firstborn and was scared it would happen again. I told him I was going to climb back into bed and that I was having her “RIGHT NOW!!”. He looked at me in shock, but immediately went and got towels, got the bed set up very quickly, and while on the phone with the emergency services, he caught our baby girl💞

She arrived at 3:05 pm weighing in at 8 lbs 7.5 oz, perfect and healthy in every way! We did get taken to the hospital, and she and I were both fine, but I am glad we took that extra precaution just in case.

I’m very happy with how my birthing experience went, I got the unmedicated birth I always wanted, with my 3-year-old son and boyfriend by my side the entire time. I believe Hypnobabies is what helped me keep my confidence during all the excitement, and although I was unable to get back into hypnosis and use Hypnobabies fully, the tools I was able to use helped me immensely and I’m so very grateful for that!

Thanks for reading❤