Incredible Hypnobabies Birth Center Waterbirth

Hypno-mom Emily's newborn baby boy smiling.

Incredible Hypnobabies Birth Center Waterbirth

“Pushing baby out felt powerful and amazing. I was surprised at the vocalizations that I was making as I’m typically a quiet person. My body just knew what it was doing and in less than 10 min (according to the midwife), he was out and I pulled him up into my arms.”

Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis really does help you enjoy a much easier and more comfortable birthing! Use code hypno1528 for 10% off our Hypnobabies Home Study Courses.

Austin Drew was born into the water on July 26th. My birthing time was incredible! While it wasn’t discomfort-free, I was amazed at how smooth it was and how I felt in control the whole time. I’ll admit I didn’t listen to the birthing tracks other than Birthing Day Affirmations. The Peace (Hypnobabies cue for instant physical comfort) and Relax (Hypnobabies cue for deepening hypnosis) cues and finger drop Technique /being in center (Hypnobabies technique for entering hypnosis) is what kept me focused.

Early morning on July 26, I woke up from light pressure waves (Hypnobabies word for contraction). My guess date (Hypnobabies word for due date) wasn’t until July 31st and my first baby came a week and a few days after my guess date, so initially I was prepared to go a lot longer than my guess date. After a few time-able waves, I realized that this was, in fact, most likely the start of my birthing time (Hypnobabies word for labor).

At 7:30 am my membranes ruptured and I notified my midwife that things were happening. I listened to Birthing Day Affirmations, bounced on my birth ball, ate breakfast, and went for a walk. Each pressure wave was manageable.

I spent a lot of time at home. When we checked into the birth center around 3 pm, I was 5 cm. We settled into a room and things picked up quickly.

I didn’t realize when I was in transformation (Hypnobabies word for transition)because I was still so completely in control. I spent time in the shower and then the tub when my midwife asked me if I was feeling pressure like I needed to push. I then realized that I was, and though I wasn’t planning on birthing in the tub, I quickly realized that I wasn’t going anywhere until baby came out! She was noticing everything my body was doing that showed the end was near, even though in my mind I had hours to go but was completely okay with that thought.

Pushing baby out felt powerful and amazing. I was surprised at the vocalizations that I was making as I’m typically a quiet person. My body just knew what it was doing and in less than 10 min (according to the midwife), he was out and I pulled him up into my arms. I didn’t feel any discomfort with pushing- just pressure. We were only at the birth center for two hours, but even still it felt like only a half-hour between checking in and pushing him out!

I don’t even have the words to express how powerful this was and how much I ENJOYED natural birth. Such an amazing experience!

July 26 * 5:06 pm * 8 lbs * 21 in long