I’m so Thankful for the Hypnobabies course!

I’m so Thankful for the Hypnobabies course!

“After about 20 minutes maybe 8-10 pushes my sweet girl was born (compared to over 2 hours of pushing with my first baby)! It was incredible, I felt so empowered and just elated!”

Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis really does help you enjoy a much easier and more comfortable birthing! Use code hypno1528 for 10% off our Hypnobabies Home Study Courses.

My hypno-baby baby, Elora Rose, was born on 3/27 at 1:12 am 8lbs/21″long. I’m so elated after my birth experience! It was fast and furious, but also very peaceful and calm! I had pressure waves (Hypnobabies word for contractions) for two nights before my birthing time (Hypnobabies word for labor) began. They were strong enough to keep me awake all night so I listening to my Hypnobabies tracks which helped me to relax comfortably and at least rest.

On Tuesday morning my waves never stalled completely but slowed down so I went for a 3-mile walk around noon and they picked up again. After my walk, they were very consistent and becoming a little more intense but I was still pretty comfortable through them. I let my midwife know and she decided to come to check me in case I was in my birthing time. She arrived around 7:30 pm and to my surprise, I was 6cm dilated!!! I couldn’t believe it because with my first pregnancy things felt much more intense at 6cm!

My husband and midwife rushed to get the birth tub filled up and her assistant and my doula rushed over and arrived by 8:30. I had a hard time focusing on my Hypnobabies tracks because of all the excitement and I felt like I was managing my waves pretty well. I think I was in denial it was all happening! The 5 of us were laughing and joking around in between my waves and had a picnic on my bed. It was a fun time!

Around 9:30/10pm my waves became closer and intensified quite a bit so I put my hypnosis tracks on again and tuned in and began focusing more. They definitely helped me stay relaxed and more comfortable, especially the Peace cue (Hypnobabies cue for instant physical comfort). My husband a doula massaged my hips and legs as that’s where I felt much of the waves radiating. I had essential oils diffusing and the calm light from my orange salt lamp that also kept the room so peaceful. I got in the warm tub for a little bit and things picked up but it helped take some of the edge off too.

At around 12:30 my midwife suggested I get into the tub if I wanted a water birth and I was a little reluctant because I was comfortable in my bed and also in denial that baby was coming as quickly as she was! I was coaxed into the tub and 20 minutes later I was pushing baby out! I didn’t even get to put my “comfortable pushing” Hypnobabies track on because it all happened so fast.

After about 20 minutes maybe 8-10 pushes my sweet girl was born (compared to over 2 hours of pushing with my first baby)! It was incredible, I felt so empowered and just elated! My body just took over and pushing was very natural compared to the last time. It was night and day to my last birth, which was an unmedicated, hospital birth without Hypnobabies. I’m also thrilled to say it’s been a very quick recovery compared to the last one, back on my feet in a day or two and feeling great!


It was the best experience I could’ve ever asked for and I’m so thankful for the Hypnobabies course for contributing to such a peaceful birth of my baby girl! I’m still on cloud nine from it all and so in love with my sweet Elora Rose. Thanking God for this beautiful blessing!!!