Holly’s Surprisingly Quick Hypnobabies Birth

New Parent Skin to Skin with baby

Holly’s Surprisingly Quick Hypnobabies Birth

“I felt the gurney leave the ambulance when we got to the hospital. My body was still pushing involuntarily and at this point I felt my bag of waters pushed out partially. I knew I was in the hospital room, but I still kept my eyes closed. Suddenly between waves I thought “I need the pushing baby track!” and grabbed my phone to switch tracks. (The nurses were laughing about that after the fact ).”

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This is our second baby, and second hypno-baby. River Curtis 8lbs 13oz, born 3/29… approximately 1.5 hours after birthing waves began.

New Parent Skin to Skin with babyI planned to birth in a Birth Center 30 minutes from our house. I had elaborate, “go time” checklists, goodies for the midwives, heating pads, smoothies and array of other things that I never used.

I woke up in the middle of the night with a crampy feeling and thought “I have to poop.” (This whole pregnancy, if I had any Braxton Hicks, it always meant I had to poop. )

My headphones were on and still playing Hypnobabies tracks from when I first got into bed. I kept them on and went to the bathroom.

I pooped and sat on the toilet for maybe 10 minutes… then I thought “Hah, it’d be funny if this was actually go time.”

Swaddled newborn baby in a hat

And then, I realized my stomach was cramping in a repetitive way… I started trying to count them and remember thinking they seemed long and close together.

I wasn’t feeling super well at that point, and I thought “Maybe I should get Matt to time these just in case…” at that point I flipped on the bedroom light, mumbled something incoherent, and Matt got up and realizing he needed to start timing.

When he saw how close they were he called the birth center. The midwife told him to get in the car and that’s when I said: “No… I’m pushing now.”

She told him to hang up and call 911 immediately. I thought about stopping him and asking him to turn on the bath for a home waterbirth, but I thought, “Meh, whatever” feeling very detached from reality and oddly fine with anything (very unlike me…).

At some point I had switched to my “Birthing Day” Playlist (Easy First Stage, Deepening Your Hypnosis, Pushing Baby Out). I was listening to something from that when the ambulance arrived.

They asked my husband to follow in our car to the hospital. I was able to talk between waves (Hypnobabies term for contractions) and I remember laughing at how weird it all was.

New parent smiling and snuggling with newbornI kept my eyes closed while they moved me to the ambulance and the whole ride there. I never really saw anyone or anything… I was just trying to listen to my tracks.

I felt the gurney leave the ambulance when we got to the hospital. My body was still pushing involuntarily and at this point I felt my bag of waters pushed out partially.

I knew I was in the hospital room, but I still kept my eyes closed. Suddenly between waves I thought “I need the pushing baby track!” and grabbed my phone to switch tracks. (The nurses were laughing about that after the fact ).

My water broke in one push, his head was out in the next, and his body a couple pushes after that. My husband walked in 10 minutes later. I had just opened my eyes.

I had a first-degree tear, which I had expected to be much worse since I wasn’t able to hold back any of the force of my body’s pushes.

It was not the birth I expected or planned for, but in the end, I’m grateful.

Click here to read another great birth story!