Holly’s Hypnobabies Hospital Birth

Holly’s Hypnobabies Hospital Birth

“The midwife came in within about 10 minutes of my arriving. She checked my cervix which was already an 8/9. She turned off the lights and I asked my husband to put on the Pushing Baby Out track (Hypnobabies special track just for pushing) as I knew it wouldn’t be long. I hung over the back of the bed and through every wave (Hypnobabies word for contraction) the midwife pushed on a spot on my foot that felt great.”

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My baby was born 1 day after his guess date (Hypnobabies word for due date) on Memorial Day! I had been having practice waves (Hypnobabies word for Braxton Hicks) for a couple of weeks, but nothing consistent. So, I decide to take my 5-year-old to the city pool on the 27th of May as it had just opened on the 26th of May. I stayed in the water with him from 11:30-3:30 duck walking, squatting and enjoying feeling weightless.

To my great surprise, I felt my first wave at 6:20 am on the 28th. I put on Fear Clearing (Hypnobabies hypnosis track to release fear) and decided to go back to sleep. I woke at 7:30 and timed a couple of waves (Hypnobabies word for contraction) at about 12 minutes apart. I decided to wake my husband and have him run me a bath. I put on Your Birthing Time begins (Hypnobabies track to remind you what tools and techniques to use for birthing), while in the bath. I asked my husband to call my mom as she lives an hour away and would be staying with our 5-year-old. My waves were still fairly far apart, but I thought it would be better to have her there all day than her not be there in time. I had my husband text my sister, so she was aware that it was our birthing day, but we told no one else. I didn’t want any distractions.

Around 8:15 am my husband set out to get us some breakfast. When he got home, I got out of the bath, dried and ate a little. During this time, I was listening to Your Birthing Time begins. After, I spent time on my birthing ball listening to the Deepening track (Hypnobabies hypnosis track for deepening hypnosis). By 9:30 my waves were 5 or so minutes apart. I told my husband I wanted to go to the hospital when my mom arrived because I really wanted to use the jacuzzi tub there and I felt that knowing I was in the place I would be giving birth would allow me to really focus and get into the tracks.

My mom arrived around 10 and we headed out. The hospital is 7 minutes away, but by the time we got there, my waves were about 1 minute apart. I tried to stay focused on the tracks. I never felt as deep in hypnosis as I would have liked, but the tracks were keeping me calm and completely able to work through each wave. When we arrived at the birthing unit, I was taken to a room and gave the nurse a copy of my birth plan. Very shortly after arriving, I started to feel sick. I did throw up one time and I felt encouraged as I knew that meant things were moving quickly.

The midwife came in within about 10 minutes of my arriving. She checked my cervix which was already an 8/9. She turned off the lights and I asked my husband to put on the Pushing Baby Out track (Hypnobabies special track to deepen hypnosis) as I knew it wouldn’t be long. I hung over the back of the bed and through every wave, the midwife pushed on a spot on my foot that felt great. My husband used the Relax cue (Hypnobabies technique to deepen hypnosis) consistently and I found that to be very helpful in re-centering my focus. I am not sure how long I pushed, but by 12:20 pm I was holding my son. The Pushing Baby Out track had played through entirely once and I had my husband restart it, but it didn’t play through entirely the second time.

Although, I didn’t feel as deep in hypnosis as I had previously with the tracks, I do not know one word that was said on the Pushing Baby Out track. It very much felt like the hypno-amnesia I had felt with the tracks during the course and maintenance. My husband said I seemed to instantly relax and go deeper once it was put on.

I felt like I had the perfect birth. The midwife and nurse decided I didn’t even need a hep-lock (I hadn’t refused). So, I got to birth my baby just as I wanted in a dim, quiet room with just myself, my husband, the midwife, and one nurse. My son was 9lbs 8oz and I had no tearing or need for stitches. I felt great after having him and was able to have a snack and call my sister directly following the birth. We were released about 27 hours after arriving!

I can honestly say this birth was like a night and day difference from my first. After my first, I felt traumatized and never wanted to do it again. This time it just felt so easy.

Funny side note. When the midwife checked my cervix she said, “are you sure your water hasn’t released? I don’t feel the bag of waters, but only the head.” All I could think about was how much time I spent in the pool the day before! 😂🤢

A - Kimberly Gross
I became passionate about the field of childbirth after the birth of my son and wanted to help families have the best birth experience possible.