Holly’s Hypnobabies Birth Story

Holly in love

Holly’s Hypnobabies Birth Story

“When She got there she said I was already 10 cm and to get me to a labor and delivery room asap. I have no idea what time we got into the L&D room because it truly did seem like 1 hour was 5 minutes. I remember once I got into my room I felt more relaxed and was laughing and cracking jokes.”

Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis really does help you enjoy a much easier and more comfortable birthing! Use code hypno1528 for 10% off our Hypnobabies Home Study Courses.

Holly Kneeling
First I would like to say that I was so exited to start this program I could not wait and started the Hypnobabies home study course when I was 15 weeks. I decided to do each lesson for two weeks and then maintenance after I was done with the lessons. However I had much resistance from my other half and my family on what I was getting myself into. I knew that I was going to be doing this by myself and was determined to do just that! I also found and hired a doula to assist me at the hospital to help with my birth plan and to be my advocate for the type of birth I wanted. My pregnancy was a joy and I had never felt healthier in my life. I was scheduled to work right up to my guess date. They even had me scheduled for a shift on my due date! My guess date fell on a Monday and the Saturday before I told them to go ahead and take me off the schedule because I would like some time to relax. The next day my mother and I went out shopping all day to get last minute baby items that we did not really need but we just love to shop. At my last midwife appointment I was already at 3 cm and they said any day now.

That night I was working at the computer late and felt a sharp period like cramp. So, I went to the bathroom and noticed some blood and I was instantly excited. I checked the time and it was 1:30 am on January 28th 2013, my exact guess date! After I felt the cramping the pressure waves started shortly after and I started timing them on my phone with an app I downloaded. I called my doula to tell her what was going on and she told me it would be a while and try to get some rest. I just sat in my chair and used my Finger Drop technique and repeating the words Peace (a cue for instant physical comfort) and Relax to deepen my hypnosis. After about an hour or so the app was alarming me that it was time to go to the hospital. I was confused and thought it could be wrong because this was not bad and I was planning to stay at home as long as I could. I called my parents and told them it was a good day for a baby, so they started heading my way. Then I called my doula and told her I wanted her to come over now. Things were progressing and the waves got stronger so I leaned over the corner of our sofa with my knees up and my belly on a stack of pillows repeating Peace & using the open cue to visualize my cervix opening. At one point I remember getting the chills and dizzy and knew that this was transformation. After that happened my gut was saying it is time to go to the hospital. I called my doula back and told her we were leaving for the hospital and to meet us there. She was literally right behind us when we left the house. We only have a two mile drive to the hospital and on the way my waves completely stopped in the car.
Holly in loveWe got to the hospital at around 7 am and I walked from the emergency room to the elevators and up to the L&D floor. I had two good pressure waves on the way and just stopped in the hall and went limp against my other half. Then we just continued on and arrived at labor and delivery where they wanted me to sit down and answer a bunch of questions. As I was sitting there I would just put my hand up while I did my finger drop technique and relaxed through a few more pressure waves. Then it was onto the triage room where I waited for the Midwife on call to come and examine me. When She got there she said I was already 10 cm and to get me to a labor and delivery room asap. I have no idea what time we got into the L&D room because it truly did seem like 1 hour was 5 minutes. I remember once I got into my room I felt more relaxed and was laughing and cracking jokes. My body was pretty much pushing on its own by now and my water still had not broken. The hospital I went to was designed by midwives and they have these really fancy beds that can break down onto different positions. I must have used all of them. First I was back and forth to the bathroom and leaning over the side of the bed. I was being monitored intermittently and only had a hep lock so I was very mobile. Then I thought lets try the squat bar to see if that helps get him to progress lower. At one point I could feel the bulging bag of water and knew it was going to be soon. At this point I was using the word open and visualizing my baby moving down to help baby down. I decided to let them go ahead and break my water to move things along faster. I was starting to get tired and decided to help push with the waves. At one point they said its time to get this baby out and I ended up on my back. I do not know how that happened. They knew I was getting real tired. I ended up doing 3 or 4 big pushes to get the head out. Then Elijah was born at 12:38 pm. When he was born I felt a huge rush of relief and then I was just in a state of awe. I was awe struck and could not hear a word anyone around me was saying. I know the midwife and nurses were talking to me about the placenta and stitches but I was not paying attention to them at all. I was thinking I did it! It was not painful, It was at times uncomfortable, but not painful. I even felt so good after that I was ready to go home the next day. They still would not let me leave until the following morning.

My doula talked with me after and told me that next time I would not need her. She told me that I was in tune to what my body was doing and what it needed. I love Hypnobabies and am using it with baby #2 which I am currently 26 weeks pregnant with. I started the program this week and hope to have an even better experience. I do plan to listen to the hypnosis audio tracks while I am in the hospital this time (I did not do that last time.) Now my only worry with this one is making it to the hospital. I know that #2 will probably come faster.
Hollys baby