First Time Mom Kalee’s Hypnobabies Hospital Birth

Hypno-mom Kalee, birth partner and newborn in hospital bed smiling with monitors in the background.

First Time Mom Kalee’s Hypnobabies Hospital Birth

“Although my birth didn’t end the way I had originally hoped it would, it was perfect at the end of the day and exactly what I and my daughter needed at the time. Hypnobabies helped me to make a confident decision about transferring when I did and receiving an epidural.”

Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis really does help you enjoy a much easier and more comfortable birthing! Use code hypno1528 for 10% off our Hypnobabies Home Study Courses.

2 days prior at 2:30 am I was lying in bed having a hard time sleeping when I felt and heard a popping sensation. When I got up, I was sure that it had been my waters breaking. My pressure waves (Hypnobabies word for contraction) started about 10 minutes later and were mild but 8 minutes apart. I immediately started listening to my Hypnobabies tracks like Your Birthing Time Begins (Hypnobabies reminder of all tools and techniques to use for birthing) and Birthing Day Affirmations and tried to get some rest. It was difficult to sleep through the night but I did get some sleep. Throughout the night my waves varied in frequency and intensity- a theme that stayed consistent throughout my whole birthing time.

The next day, my mom flew in from out of state and my pressure waves continued to fluctuate. At some point that afternoon, we went to the birth center for an NST since my water had been broken for a while. The midwife advised that we go home and get some rest and I agreed. We headed back home and tried to nap but sleep just wasn’t happening with the waves coming and going. This whole time I had been listening to various Hypnobabies tracks like Easy First Stage (Hypnobabies main birthing time track) and keeping a calm environment. At 8 pm that evening, my waves were getting pretty close together so we went back to the birth center. I listened to Fear Clearing (Hypnobabies track to release fears) for the drive over. I decided to do a cervical check and was only 3 cm and 80% effaced. We decided to stay the night and the midwife was able to administer some morphine to try and help me get some sleep. Once again, I couldn’t really sleep through the waves- even with the morphine!

The next morning (now over 24 hours since my water had broken and in birthing time (Hypnobabies word for labor)), I was still only 3 cm, although I had effaced some more. My (non-Hypno) Doula arrived around 10 am and offered suggestions for positions and things we could do to get things moving. The Peace cue (Hypnobabies cue for instant physical comfort) was my favorite for pressure waves and really helped ground me. I also used the Release cue for waves but also to go deeper into hypnosis. My husband and Doula both helped to reinforce these throughout my birthing time. We knew that if we were to reach 48 hours, we would have to transfer to the hospital per the birth center/laws. Hours went by of doing everything possible to get baby down and out but I ultimately made the decision to transfer at about 42 hours in and only being 4 cm and absolutely exhausted. Once we arrived at the hospital, I had an epidural administered so I could get some much-needed rest. Within an hour I was fully dilated and ready to push. The downside of the epidural was not being able to push in a very helpful position. I pushed for an hour and a half and then baby girl was here!

Although my birth didn’t end the way I had originally hoped it would, it was perfect at the end of the day and exactly what I and my daughter needed at the time. Hypnobabies helped me to make a confident decision about transferring when I did and receiving an epidural. I felt so much more confident than I would have without this class. It also helped me to be in birthing time, unmedicated (other than morphine for sleep) for almost 2 days straight. Clearly my baby needed things to go slow which to me says that she needed more time to get ready. I’m happy I was able to give her as much time as I did.