First Time Mom Kaitlin’s Hypnobabies Home Waterbirth

Close up of Hypno-mom Kaitlin's baby

First Time Mom Kaitlin’s Hypnobabies Home Waterbirth

“When the midwife arrived around 12:45 am (I had no idea what time it was and found out later), we all expected I’d be starting active time based on how I was acting (still talking, walking, etc.) but I was in transformation at a very stretchy 8 cm dilated and 90% effaced with baby’s head ready to go (my water had just broken).”

Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis really does help you enjoy a much easier and more comfortable birthing! Use code hypno1528 for 10% off our Hypnobabies Home Study Courses.

I woke up with pressure waves at about 4 am on Friday morning. I listened to Deepening Your Hypnosis (Hypnobabies track to deepen the level of hypnosis) because I wanted to go back to sleep and that track usually puts me straight to sleep but it didn’t work. So, I listened to my Birthing Day Affirmations (which I listened to 3x in that “early birthing” time (Hypnobabies word for labor) – they are great!) and waited until 6:30 am to get out of bed. Well, it turned out I went from early birthing time to active to transformation (Hypnobabies word for transition) without even realizing it thanks to Hypnobabies.

When the midwife arrived around 12:45 am (I had no idea what time it was and found out later), we all expected I’d be starting active time based on how I was acting (still talking, walking, etc.) but I was in transformation at a very stretchy 8 cm dilated and 90% effaced with baby’s head ready to go (my water had just broken). At this point, we finally put on Easy First Stage (Hypnobabies main birthing time track) which I really liked. I was mostly comfortable and coping fine with the transformation waves, especially once my doula arrived with counterpressure.

I was in the pool and pushing less than an hour later, and about an hour after that Senna was born (we don’t have an exact count of push time because they couldn’t even tell I was pushing at first and I wasn’t talking – my doula could ALWAYS tell when a wave was starting though, miracle that she is!)! I pushed only with waves until the last few where I pushed a little between to finish the head and body more gently. I didn’t need any stitches, which surprised me because the stretching experience was by far the most uncomfortable part of it all for me. I have a “skid mark” at the front and a minor tear in the second layer of the perineum, both of which will heal on their own.

We did perineal massage a few times a week of 3 layers of tissue, moving deeper and deeper, and I religiously did Kegels linking breath and abdominal exercise with them, stretching the pelvic floor in both directions. I was able to keep my hands pretty relaxed and my pelvic floor entirely relaxed the whole time. I tensed my jaw once and my doula noticed immediately and pressed on my jawbone which was all the cue I needed. I believe Hypnobabies absolutely made my birthing time faster and immensely more comfortable. ♥️ And the birth team loved it too!