First Time Mom Deborah’s Hypnobabies Home Birth

New family in bed after home birth

First Time Mom Deborah’s Hypnobabies Home Birth

“All was right and all went as it should. Our birth story may not be seamless, perfect, or the most efficient but it is ours and to me it is perfect. Even after birth as we laid to sleep for the first time as a family my Hypnobabies music continued to play in my head. To this day I play the music for our baby girl and it soothes & comforts her & I.”


birthing person in birth tub with birth team supportingI am flexible and ready to follow any path my birthing takes. Is the affirmation that continues to repeat in my head even now almost 1 month after our beautiful baby girl’s birth. As a yoga instructor and meditation practitioner having Hypnobabies be a part of my pregnancy & birthing couldn’t have fit us more perfectly. I practice physical flexibility regularly and now my pregnancy and especially my birthing have brought a whole new understanding to that flexibility. Birthing person being supported in birth tub

Throughout our 27 hours of birthing time (Hypnobabies term for labor) the Hypnobabies tracks played in the background and were a crucial part of our experience. Memorial Day Monday at 2am I began to feel tightness in my low back and the gut instinct that our birthing time would be approaching soon. I began to listen to my Birthing Day Affirmations track to help prepare. Then 24 hours later, I began to feel my waves (Hypnobabies term for contractions) at 2am on a Tuesday morning. They would start in my low back then radiate to my front. Again, I put on my birthing day track and new it would be the day. Each affirmation helped to put me at ease and even once the track was done my Joyful Pregnancy Affirmations would run through my mind. Each affirmation felt like they were a part of me. A part of me that would guide and hold me as I needed. The day progressed and my waves became more intense. I was having trouble getting rest so my Hypno-Doula helped get me comfortably propped up and supported so that I and my husband could get some rest and nap through the afternoon as best we could. My Hypnobabies tracks continued to play and help me find some relaxation.

newborn nursing and partner and pets sleeping in backgroundWe had planned on a home water birth. My husband helped to set the space as the midwife arrived come 5:30pm. Once having had my requested cervical exam the Midwife informed us that my water was bulging through the 3cm opening and that if I would like she could help release my waters. This was just the beginning of many times & opportunities I would be presented with options on how to be flexible with my baby’s birthing. I was already 14 hours into my birthing and unsure how much longer it would all take. After having talked to my husband, we decided to have my water released. From there everything intensified.

My hypnosis tracks helped soothe the intensity of things I was feeling and with my husband, Hypno Doula, and midwife team by my side I knew we could do it. Between waves I would drift away with the sound of the tracks. As 10pm approached I was ready to get into the birthing tub. As the tracks continued to play, I found myself repeating my cues and other words. “Relax, relax, relax” (Hypnobabies cue to deepen the level of hypnosis) became what allowed me to ease my wave through intense waves. Soft & open became my way to help coach my body into doing what it already knows to do. Love for my baby gave me the patience to keep waiting and going. My body was quickly becoming depleted. I held on to the sound of my tracks to keep us going. Around 1am I requested to get out of the birthing tub, my birth and baby had another plan, and I knew I needed to continue to be flexible. Our Midwife had already given my homeopathic remedies to help with my body’s progress, another way I had to be flexible. New family in bed after home birth

Once out of the tub and back in the bedroom we continued with my tracks. I noticed anytime my Hypnobabies Tracks weren’t playing in the background my hypno-anesthesia would begin to wear off so we made sure to keep the tracks on and my hypno-anesthesia strong as it wrapped my center in soft orange light. After 24 hours of birthing, I was unsure how much more I could handle. 2am Wednesday morning, baby girl decided to turn sunny side up. My ability to be flexible and continue to believe in myself & body was being tested in ways I never would have anticipated. I requested an IV for hydration to help give me some energy to continue down this path and on my journey to meet my baby. Once 3am hit I was done, I lost sight of myself, my hypno-anesthesia, my belief & confidence, all comfort was gone. I thought to myself – it’s time to go to the hospital, I can’t do this anymore. My team continued to support and believe in me, even when I couldn’t. They all agreed to follow my request after one more cervical exam. Laying in the comfort of our own bed, I was turned onto my back. The next thing I hear is my Midwife say – “Deb, you’re at 10cm, you’re going to meet your baby!” It was almost hour 26 of my birthing and I began to push. I don’t know where I gained the strength from but something inside me lit up. An oxygen mask was placed on me in order to help both me and baby. I could hear my Hypnobabies practice and affirmations running through my telling me I can do it. So, I did. Finally, after ups & downs plus twists & turns at 4:55am Wednesday morning our precious baby girl arrived!! Silence hit the room, followed by tears of joy and relief. We did it!

newborn babyI truly believe that without the help & practice of Hypnobabies I would not have been able to make it through a home birth that required so much of me and others. After our baby girl was born, my bleeding didn’t stop so I was injected with a shot of Pitocin in the leg (yet another instance of flexibility with my birthing journey). The golden hour with our baby was respected and our fur family joined. All was right and all went as it should. Our birth story may not be seamless, perfect, or the most efficient but it is ours and to me it is perfect. Even after birth as we laid to sleep for the first time as a family my Hypnobabies music continued to play in my head. To this day I play the music for our baby girl and it soothes & comforts her & I. <3 Newborn baby laying on tummy on flowered blanket

Thank you to my husband, thank you to our Midwives, thank you to our Hypno-Doula and thank you Hypnobabies! You are truly something powerful & special and may those before me and those after me enjoy and appreciate the experience of Hypnobabies as much if not even more than I did.

Here is another great home birth story!