First Time Mom Barrett’s Wonderful Hypnobabies Hospital Birth

Barrett Phillips leaning back in birth tub with a smile on her face and birth partner holding her hand.

First Time Mom Barrett’s Wonderful Hypnobabies Hospital Birth

“I was so proud of myself for using my hypnosis for a wonderful birth and thankful for my hypno-doula and midwife who respected all my choices. You CAN have a great hospital birth!”

Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis really does help you enjoy a much easier and more comfortable birthing! Use code hypno1528 for 10% off our Hypnobabies Home Study Courses.

My early birthing time (Hypnobabies word for labor) lasted 6 days. I had non-progressive pressure waves (Hypnobabies word for contractions) each night for 4-10 hours before they would tapper off. They were all in my back and I had discomfort. I was concerned if I could handle the lost sleep before my active birthing time began. Each day I had more waves during the day, and I journaled my progress, which helped. I saw my midwife for my 39-week appointment, and she said that everyone progresses differently and yes, I was likely having real waves, especially as I had some bloody show.

At 39+3 the waves didn’t taper in the morning and I texted my doula to say I think I might be progressing today. My husband suggested we take a walk. I had been walking 4 miles a day and I couldn’t make it a quarter mile; we stopped every 6-8 mins to breathe through waves. I knew then it was my birthing time. I listened to my birthing day hypnosis tracks (Easy First Stage and Deepening) and did another round of miles circuit and at the suggestion of my doula, the abdominal lift and tuck, which really got things moving. Around 4 pm I got into the bath as it had previously helped with the back discomfort. In the bath, my back felt much better and I felt my waves changing in intensity, now 2 – 3 mins apart. It was time to go to the hospital. I listened to my hypnosis tracks on the way to the hospital, “off” the whole time.

I was admitted and monitored with my hypno-doula advocating for me to sit on the ball and not get in bed. My husband was able to start pushing on my back during each wave, which relieved discomfort. The nurse remarked I didn’t seem to notice to the smaller waves she saw on the monitor. I was smiling and talking between waves but shaking all over. My midwife asked to check me. I was concerned I was too comfortable and maybe overreacted going into the hospital. She disagreed saying she believed I was pretty far along. I was dilated to 7cm and 80% effaced! She pronounced I was having a baby tonight. They prepared the tub room for me. I wasn’t listening to my hypnosis tracks until I got into the tub, I just switched off (Hypnobabies technique to for being deeply in hypnosis) during each wave.

The water felt amazing! My husband still pressed on my back during each wave and my doula kept me cool and hydrated. We did this for a few hours trying different positions as I breathed my baby down. We played the Relaxation music (special Hypnobabies music using binaural beats) out loud and I had no trouble with my hypnosis as my doula used birth prompts (Hypnosis prompts to help deepen hypnosis) when I needed them. We used the Pushing Baby Out track (Hypnobabies special hypnosis track for pushing) to push out my amniotic sac and it was fascinating to watch.

I wasn’t progressing beyond 9cm for a while, so my doula had me get out of the tub and sit on the toilet while they emptied and refilled the tub. I felt discomfort then and shook uncontrollably. The toilet wasn’t good for me and I leaned over the sink as she used the rebozo to “shake” the baby down. I felt a pop as my baby got in position finally. I used the shaking motion in the tub to help me move the baby down. Everyone was a little hypnotized and relaxed as we had left the pushing track on repeat. I don’t remember my final check, but the midwife started to encourage me to push. I didn’t have strong pushing waves, but she helped me make the guttural pushing noises I needed.

I pushed for 50 minutes, during this time I had some doubts if I could do it as the head moved a little out and then went back in for what seemed like many times. However, between pushing waves I was able to relax and rest. This helped me refocus for the next wave. Once her head was out, the rest of her was out seconds later and my midwife brought her up to my chest. She was perfect and healthy! I had trouble pushing out the placenta as my waves had stopped and she wasn’t nursing yet, so I moved to the bed for Pitocin and abdominal massage. After getting nursing established, my midwife came in to check for tears. I had what they called ‘road rash’ but no tearing.

Our girl was almost 7lbs and born 3 days before her guess date. My active birthing time was around 30 hours, but there was no clear start. I was so proud of myself for using my hypnosis for a wonderful birth and thankful for my hypno-doula and midwife who respected all my choices. You CAN have a great hospital birth!

Thoughts for other hypno-moms:

– I never thought about how to do my hypnosis during my birthing time, it just was there. I went off and into the center unconsciously.

– I needed to use my hypnosis for all ‘elimination functions’ post-baby. Talk to your provider about preparing for this.

– Buy the postpartum track “After Baby Comes”. Hopefully, we’ll have a Postpartum Affirmations track in the future!