First Baby, Lily Ann’s Hypnobabies Birth

First Baby, Lily Ann’s Hypnobabies Birth
Lily Ann was born on Monday, June 9th at 12:39 am – after about 14 hours of birthing. 

Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis really does help you enjoy a much easier and more comfortable birthing! Use code hypno1528 for 10% off our Hypnobabies Home Study Courses.

I skipped church on Sunday morning – because I was having some pressure waves – however, I had no idea that the baby was going to come. they were 5 minutes apart for over an hour, we called to check and see when the dr. wanted us to come in.  I was GBS+, so he wanted me to come in at that point. My doula (also my HB instructor) met us in triage. 

They admitted me soon after – and I was dilated 4 cm. I had never met the doctor who was on call that day – and the first thing he suggested when we got into the room was that he break my water.  We declined.  The dr. and nurse read my birth plan – and both of them seemed somewhat understanding of our preferences. 

My sister, my husband, and my doula were all in the room with me. As the pressure waves intensified, my hypnosis deepened – just like it is supposed to.  The only way anyone could tell I was having a pressure wave was to look at the monitor.  and, during the pressure waves, the doula, my sister & husband would get on each side of me – gently applying pressure to my shoulder and giving me suggestions like “Peace” and “Release”.  I was also listening to Hypnobabies tracks.  It was amazing, during intense pressure, how I could direct my pelvic floor – and entire body – to become relaxed and limp.

We were at 4 cm for a long time – and the dr. was getting impatient.  My husband read the “Come Out Baby” script to me and I immediately dilated to 8 cm.  We moved to my side and I went to 9.5 cm.   At that point, I was pushing involuntarily.  My sweet baby was in the birth canal and I could feel here there. When the dr. said it was time to push, it was such a relief.  And I knew I would see her soon.  All I could do was smile during and between each pushing wave.  my husband said he thinks we had 4 pushes to get her head out. 

When she came out – she was just perfect.  The best moment of my life. She was alert – eyes open and so peaceful.  they gave her a 9.9 Apgar score – not a 10 because she had purple hands for a few moments.  The nurse was so impressed with the process.  Actually, everyone involved was amazed at how peaceful the birthing process was.  I know I couldn’t have done it without the hypnosis and the support system that I had throughout the birth.  the nurse came back the next day – just to tell me how impressed she was. 

Lily Ann weighed 6 lb. 12 oz. and was 19.5 inches long. 

God has truly blessed us.

Originally posted on September 29, 2008