Danae’s Hypnobabies Home Waterbirth

Hypno-mom Danae in bed with birth partner, toddler son and newborn.

Danae’s Hypnobabies Home Waterbirth

“I was basically in center (Hypnobabies technique for being in hypnosis while being able to move around and talk) since the morning but went to ‘off’ when I was on the ball. I listened to ‘Deepen Your hypnosis’ (Hypnobabies track to deepen the level of hypnosis) and ‘Easy First Stage’ (Hypnobabies main birthing day track).”

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My waters released at 4:30 am Sunday 6/30 and I was PUMPED. (I was 41+1 at the time.) I went back to bed and listened to the Fear Clearing (Hypnobabies track for releasing fears) track and Birthing Day affirmations. I told Phil, my husband, that it was all starting around 6:30 am when he was up with my son getting him breakfast. He was very excited and gave me a hug and a kiss. I called mom to get my son Asher at 6:38. I called Justine, my midwife, at 7 am, after telling Phil.

Justine said to let her know when pressure waves (Hypnobabies word for contractions) were anything less than 10 min apart. Phil timed 5 and they were around 6-8 min apart lasting 30-45 seconds. I texted Justine and then they were all on their way (“2nd babies can come fast” she said). Phil made me breakfast (eggs, bacon, toast with butter and blueberry jelly). Gloria (midwife student) came first, then Christal (doula), Justine (MW), Natalie (midwife student 2), Alia (MW). Then, Phil, Christal, and I went on a walk while Christal timed waves. When I said I felt a lot of pressure, Christal said we need to stay close to the house. Waves were every 3-5 min but only 30-45 seconds long. I told all the midwives that I felt as if I was making them wait or like I needed to perform with them sitting there so some of them went to go get food and give me my space. We walked around the back yard a bit and went into the playroom. I tried sitting on the ball but sitting just made me feel pressure and not many waves.

My best friend arrived just as we were about to play a game, Sequence, at 10:30 a.m. I LOVE games and thought it would be good during early birthing time (Hypnobabies word for labor). We played sequence and I kept standing and sitting to get waves to keep going. Brenna, Christal, and I went on a walk. Waves were picking up.

We came back and went to the playroom and I sat on the ball. Brenna sat next to me and timed them. I was basically in center (Hypnobabies technique for being in hypnosis while being able to move around and talk) since the morning but went to “off” when I was on the ball. I listened to “Deepen Your hypnosis” (Hypnobabies track to deepen the level of hypnosis) and “Easy First Stage” (Hypnobabies main birthing day track). Then, I went to my bedroom and laid on bed with a pregnancy pillow (listening to Easy First Stage and Deepening hypnosis tracks). Christal and Brenna timed waves and lightly tickled/rubbed my legs and arms.

I stood on the side of the bed and Christal applied back counter pressure. Then, I went to the guest room since master bedroom got really hot from the birth pool. I said, “Peace” (Hypnobabies cue for instant physical comfort) through waves. Christal and Brenna were with me to give me light touches during the waves.

I then asked if I could get in the birth pool. Justine said yes, absolutely, as I was being pretty vocal. I hung onto Phil for a couple of waves and then got in the birth pool. It was too hot so they filled the rest with cold water as I got used to temp. The first wave was milder in water, but that didn’t last. I hung over the side of the tub looking outside, and it was so beautiful and peaceful. The waves got so intense, I asked for verbal affirmation. Phil told me, “the waves can’t be too strong for you because they are you.” They put cold washcloths on my face and neck which was really nice. I remember keeping my body completely off or in center during waves with every muscle completely relaxed. I became more and more vocal. I told them I was feeling a lot of pressure. Christal said, “pressure is good.” I hung onto those words and remained completely relaxed and in center.

Gloria asked if she could use the mirror to see baby come out. I said, “use a camera, flashlight, whatever you need!” I just wanted to focus. I told Phil to put on the Pushing Baby Out track (Hypnobabies track just for pushing) because I could just sense my baby was coming. There wasn’t even time to get it playing before total fetal ejection reflex overcame any voluntary movement and my baby’s head was out! I guess my baby’s head didn’t even “crown”. My body spontaneously pushed and then flipped over so that my back was now against the pool. I heard them say, “one minute” (from when my baby’s head was out) and then Justine says, “push push push”. My baby slid right out; it was a boy! We then played the hymn “all I have is Christ” and cried tears of joy. I never got any cervical checks and that kept me in the zone the whole time.

Ezra James was born on 6/30 at 2:49 pm at home. He was 8lb 8oz and 21 inches.
It was amazing and I’m so thankful to God most of all and to Hypnobabies for a beautiful experience.