Ciara’s 2 Hour Hypnobabies Home Waterbirth

Ciara’s 2 Hour Hypnobabies Home Waterbirth

“I can feel Luna moving down and I’m breathing deeply, kneeling against the side of the birth tub and turn on Pushing Baby Out track (Hypnobabies track just for pushing). I straighten my left leg and put all my weight on my bent knee, reaching forward between my legs, my baby crowns and I say, “hi baby, hi baby”.”

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It’s 10:15 pm on her guess date (Hypnobabies term for due date) and after lots of random waves (Hypnobabies term for contractions) all day I had made peace with staying pregnant for another night. Baby is posterior (facing my belly) and hasn’t stopped kicking and wiggling since noon. I feel like she needs room to flip around and I need to relax. I fill the bathtub and soak for minute then turn to my hands and knees to relax and float my belly to give her room to turn. Jose gets Gaia down to sleep, she’s been fussing all evening. After floating about 20 minutes baby stops wiggling so much and I get out of the tub. She’s anterior now (facing my back) and in a much better position for birth.

My waves have stopped completely though and it’s getting late. After 11 now, so of course Jose makes us a snack. Just something light…biscuits and gravy. Ha! We sit at the kitchen table to eat and talk until about 1 am. We head to bed and chat some more, now it’s more like 1:45. We lie down, and I’ve had a few more waves, these are lower and deeper in my back. I get my peanut ball between my knees and lie on my right side for a while, a few more waves and it’s after 2. I put my headphones and begin listening to Easy First Stage (Hypnobabies main birthing time track) in to try and relax. Jose is already snoring when adrenaline floods my system and I start shivering, I ask him to rub my legs to help the shaking and he asks whether he should fill the tub; it’s time. Transformation (Hypnobabies term for transition) is always unmistakable. I love that.

2:15 and I need to get out of bed. I go to the bathroom then put my hair up, change into a black swimsuit top and tie a wrap on for a skirt. My waves are closer now, about 4 minutes apart. The adrenaline has passed, and we need to start making phone calls. I call my midwife just after 3 and tell her it’s only been about an hour of active birthing time (Hypnobabies term for labor) so maybe just take her time. I lean on the wall and Jose squeezes my hips for 1 wave, I kneel on the side of the bathtub and he squeezes my hips for a couple more. I’m quiet and focused, letting the waves roll through me, one after another. The birth tub is half full, it’s 3:35 and I step into the hot water. Jose calls my mom and sages the house for me, to clear the energy and make way for baby. Everything is so quiet; I have my ear buds in still listening to Easy First Stage, I’m totally intent on staying completely relaxed and happy. Peaceful.

Jose wipes the sweat from my brow with a cool cloth, I raise my head to meet his hand, the cold feels good. More waves and I’m chanting “open, open, open” my eyes are closed and hear my midwife Marinah and friend Eyndia arrive. It must be about 3:45…I feel someone’s hand on my arm, saying hello, but I’m far away in my mind and not sure who that was. Eyndia takes my blood pressure and they all watch and wait. Birthing waves roll closer and closer together, I whisper “Peace” (Hypnobabies cue for instant physical comfort) sometimes and other times I chant “open”. My mind runs with the phrase “This is pressure, this is pressure, like a hug…” and with each wave I hear it in my head.

My birth team whispers to each other, helping me to hold this quiet space for my baby. It’s 4:06 and I feel my waters release! The waves seem to blend together, and I say “go get my babies” …I wanted the girls to see their new sister and knew it wouldn’t be long now. I can feel Luna moving down and I’m breathing deeply, kneeling against the side of the birth tub and turn on Pushing Baby Out track (Hypnobabies track just for pushing). I straighten my left leg and put all my weight on my bent knee, reaching forward between my legs, my baby crowns and I say, “hi baby, hi baby”. I tell my team that her head is out, and they aren’t sure that they heard me correctly. I am still and waiting for the next waves that bring her shoulders, her sweet little eyes are open under the water. Wow.

It’s so quiet in the room, I whisper “Peace, Peace, Peace, Peace” as she comes completely earth side. After 5 or 6 seconds I lift her slowly out of the water and onto my chest, I’m smiling and she’s so quiet. “Hi, sweet baby.” It’s 4:08 am.

2 hours of total birthing time! What an incredibly quick, beautiful, gentle birth. I’m so amazed and grateful! I rub her back a little and she lets out a LOUD yell. I look to Jose and we laugh, both a little nervous about the war cry she had just displayed. But more than anything we are so happy she’s finally home and that our family is complete.

Welcome to the world tiny Luna, you are a divine gift. Truly.