Beautiful Hypnobabies Hospital Birth of Avery

Beautiful Hypnobabies Hospital Birth of Avery

“By the time they checked me in, I had bloody show when wiping after giving them a urine sample and they told me I was 8 cm dilated, 100% effaced during cervical check. I couldn’t believe it. I said out loud “no way”. They couldn’t believe how calm I was during each pressure wave as they came. I was so so grateful to already be that far along. “

Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis really does help you enjoy a much easier and more comfortable birthing! Use code hypno1528 for 10% off our Hypnobabies Home Study Courses.

Welcome Avery! Our 2nd child, first Hypno-baby, and first hospital birth. Born 12/3 11:30 pm at 8.3oz.

My first babe was born at home, 27 difficult hours long, so I was intrigued by the opportunity to try Hypnobabies for a hopefully healing 2nd birth. We chose a hospital birth setting because of a velamentous cord insertion dx.

BOP* I’d been having Braxton Hicks pretty frequently throughout this week at work and home, but I noticed when they started taking on a crampy feel Thursday at 7 pm that maybe this was the beginning, as it was similar to my first babes beginning. I began timing just to see if they were consistent: ~1min long, ~5min apart and for an hour. They were still pretty mild cramps, so I didn’t quite believe they were pressure waves (Hypnobabies term for contractions) just yet, but I called my sister to start driving over to watch my son just in case (she lives an hour away, so I didn’t want to risk waiting too long).

The cramps started increasing and now believed them to be pressure waves, so I started listening to Your Birthing Time Begins (Hypnobabies reminder of all the tools and techniques for birthing) and Fear Clearing (Hypnobabies track to release any fears) tracks. When my sister arrived, my husband and I headed over to the hospital where I had to pause our walking up to the L&D floor when a pressure wave hit. By the time they checked me in, I had bloody show when wiping after giving them a urine sample and they told me I was 8 cm dilated, 100% effaced during cervical check. I couldn’t believe it. I said out loud “no way”. They couldn’t believe how calm I was during each pressure wave as they came. I was so so grateful to already be that far along.

My amniotic sac was still intact, and they gave me the option of manually breaking it to progress further, or let it break on its own. I said I’d think about it and once they’d put me in the L&D room and met all the staff and got comfortable in bed, my water broke. It felt like I had a few more pressure waves that I breathed through and then the need to push hit me quickly, and I panicked for a moment thinking that this wasn’t part of “the plan” and I didn’t feel “prepared” to already be pushing. I had planned/envisioned using the shower, birthing ball, walking, all while listening to tracks for who knows how long (I was mentally prepared for a similar 20hr something long birth like my first one…even though I know everyone says the 2nd is much easier, sometimes they aren’t!

So, I was prepared for anything). And here I was, scrambling to get my phone and ask my husband to grab the speaker out of my bag to be able to at least play Pushing Baby Out (Hypnobabies track just for pushing) for myself. And of course, the speaker wasn’t charged and my phone couldn’t play the track, and I didn’t have any time to plan a different way to listen because the pushing sensations started and ~5 pushes later, Avery was born. It was unbelievable how quickly and smoothly everything went. I do think having my first only 18months earlier helped, but also that Hypnobabies (even though I didn’t get to listen to the tracks during most of the birthing time) helped me mentally feel not only prepared but EXCITED for this birth, and also gave me the tools (even though I never actually used finger drop etc but I did find it easy to transition to a deep relaxed state during waves and feeling calm throughout) to stay PRESENT, grounded, and like I could manage anything that came my way, surprise or no surprise. I’m so so grateful it all went well and what a beautiful surprise to have the birth I was hoping for but not necessarily the one I expected. Thank you Hypnobabies for making me believe, envision, and trust it could happen.


Here is another great hospital birth story!