Unique Benefits of Hypnobabies Classes

Childbirth Class SM

How is our Hypnobabies Childbirth Class different from other ”hypno-birthing” programs?

Childbirth Class SMWe are asked many times what is the difference between Hypnobabies and other natural childbirth or birth hypnosis programs, and here we answer that question by telling you what we do well without disparaging any other particular group. Other natural childbirth courses have excellent programs and benefits that have helped many women have better, more relaxed births. We recognize that and celebrate them and what they do every day for birthing women!

In Hypnobabies, our objectives are to help our pregnant couples bond with their baby in utero, teach you how to stay healthy and low-risk and be an excellent consumer, trust in your body, mind and baby, as well as become self-reliant and confident about birthing your own way; unmedicated, safely and in comfort. We overcome negative belief systems and programming, get you in touch with your own beautiful pregnant body, support you through your own excellent birth experience and give you skills that you will use for the rest of your life. Birth Partners are brought into the preparation process and have their own hypnotic relaxation cues, as well as a special role to play as they await the birth of the precious newborn with our Hypno-mom.

We use real medical hypnosis techniques, addressing the mind, body, and spirit of both Mother and Baby, so our success and satisfaction rates are wonderful and very gratifying. Our goal is helping families to “enjoy your baby’s birth in comfort, joy and love”!

Unique to Hypnobabies: We are not a typical birth hypnosis class. Hypnobabies is very detailed, comprehensive and successful, uses medical hypnotic anesthesia techniques, from Gerald Kein’s powerful Painless Childbirth program, as opposed to simple visualization and imagery, and contains the same kinds of powerful somnambulistic hypnosis scripts used by people who undergo surgery successfully using hypnosis as their only anesthetic.

Unique to Hypnobabies: Long before they ever step foot in their first Hypnobabies class, our Hypno-moms receive their first hypnosis CD with 2 tracks: Your Special Place, which allows them to learn and become proficient in deep physical relaxation, and Easy, Comfortable Childbirth, enabling them to easily master  deep hypnosis and positive birth training. Each Hypno-Mom is able to learn deep relaxation and hypnosis skills for several weeks (or months!) before Hypnobabies Class even starts. This makes it much easier to learn her Hypnobabies Hypno-anesthesia Techniques in each class, bringing the Birth Partner into the preparation, (if they have one) and also how to use hypnosis for many other issues: nausea elimination, back and hip pain, insomnia, pre-term labor, pre-term bleeding, perineal massage, internal exams, turning a breech, etc.

Unique to Hypnobabies11 powerful, deep hypnosis audio tracks for use by our Hypno-Mothers as they learn, practice and use their Hypnobabies program, and 1 hypnosis track for our Birth Partners.

Unique to Hypnobabies: 2 separate hypnosis cues for entering hypnosis quickly and deeply, and 7 hypnotic deepening techniques.

Unique to Hypnobabies: 6 somnambulistic hypnosis scripts in booklet form, for use by our Hypno-Couples to work with as a team. Our Hypnobabies students participate in one new hypnosis script each week in class and their scripts booklet provides them with that same script to work with for reinforcementduring the next week. This makes a huge difference when training the inner mind for success of any kind. It is called “compounding” in the world of hypnosis and is necessary for hypnotic suggestions to be retained by the woman’s subconscious. Working on progressively more powerful scripts several times week together also allows our moms to become “hypno-trained” to the touch and voice of their birth partner and therefore respond much more easily and quickly to birthing cues during labor.

Unique to Hypnobabies: We provide detailed, comprehensive training for our Birth Partners by providing them their own Birth Partner’s hypnosis CD for a calm and confident attitude towards pregnancy and childbirth, and their own 15 page detailed Birth Partner’s Guide booklet for labor, which allows them to fully grasp their role in the preparation for baby’s birth as well as easily supporting the Hypno-Mom during birthing. This includes 4 pages of verbal birthing cues which keep the Hypno-Mom in hypnosis during first stage, transition, beginning to push, the pushing phase as well as tools for remaining calm, relaxed, confident and comfortable in between contractions.

Unique to Hypnobabies: Hypnobabies can also be very successfully used by Single Mothers or those whose partners will not be participating in their birth preparation process since we have specific CD sets as well as personal help and support for single Hypno-Moms, to make their Hypnobabies journey easier and more fulfilling. All of our hypno-anesthesia techniques can be easily learned, practiced and used alone, or with a Birth Partner or doula.

Unique to Hypnobabies: Hypnobabies classes also provide excellent and Complete Childbirth Education,and we are the only birth hypnosis program that does so (see information below, and our Class Outline). Providing our *Complete Childbirth Education* ensures that our Hypnobabies students will not need to take other childbirth education classes where techniques and philosophies are learned which can negate childbirth hypnosis instruction. “Pain management and coping skills” are actually opposite of what is learned in Hypnobabies; we teach Pain Elimination by using real hypno-anesthesia, and attempting to embrace opposing belief systems can be detrimental to success with hypnotic childbirth. Including Complete Childbirth Education is essential for any birth hypnosis program.

Hypnobabies’ Complete Childbirth Education includes the following:

  • Staying healthy and low risk
  • Comfort in Pregnancy
  • Detailed Birthing Choices
  • Creating Informed Consent
  • An in-depth Nutrition and Exercise program
  • Avoidance of Toxic Substances
  • Optimum Fetal Positioning
  • Turning a Posterior Baby
  • Stages of Labor
  • Anatomy and Physiology of Birth
  • Prenatal Parenting
  • Avoiding Back Labor with the Abdominal Lift and Tuck
  • Baby Kick Counting
  • Belly Mapping
  • The Risks, Benefits and Alternatives to Common Labor Interventions
  • Birth Empowerment Skills
  • Birth Plans & Baby Plans
  • Touring the Birth Facility
  • Doula and Midwifery information
  • Avoiding Induction and Cesarean Section
  • Delayed Cord Clamping and other Baby Kindness information
  • Using hypnosis for 3rd stage
  • Comprehensive and detailed birth preparation and labor support training for Birth Partners
  • A 28 page Quick Reference booklet for labor
  • Birthing Rehearsals using Hypnobabies techniques in class.
  • Information on New Baby Care, Breastfeeding and Postpartum care for our moms.

Unique to Hypnobabies: Hypnobabies’ Eyes Open Childbirth Hypnosis”, which allows each Hypno-mom to walk and talk and move around freely yet remain very relaxed, fully present, aware and in touch with her body and baby and *comfortable while doing so*. Other programs rely on immobility for focus and concentration, which can severely impede the progress of labor and the descent and positioning of the baby.

Unique to Hypnobabies: We conduct full Birthing Rehearsals in class # 6 so that our Hypno-moms canexperience using their actual Hypnobabies techniques and many different labor positions *while in hypnosis in class* which is invaluable, and also shows the Birth Partner hands-on exactly how to use his/her cues and assistance. What a confidence builder, and has made a huge difference in success rates here at Hypnobabies!

Unique to Hypnobabies: Our very successful Hypnobabies Birth Visualization, in which you can mentally and emotionally practice entering labor, experience your comfortable birthing techniques and give birth easily and in a very detailed and personal way. This “mental birthing rehearsal” is very important to the process of easy and comfortable birthing and is done many times until your Hypno-baby is born, helping program the subconscious mind to produce exactly the kind of birthing you want. Athletes and public speakers of all kinds do this to prepare with great success, and so do our Hypno-moms!

Unique to Hypnobabies: Our wonderful 2-track Birth Guide CD which keeps our Hypno-mom deeply in hypnosis with constant hypnotic relaxation and anesthesia suggestions for both the first stage of labor and the pushing phase (avoiding the “ring of fire” and mother-directed pushing) as well as “positive birth team” hypnosis throughout. Birth Professionals are fascinated at how completely relaxed and physically comfortable our Hypno-moms are, how easily they are able to move around and communicate and still be deeply hypnotized, and how “in control” they are of their bodies, minds and emotions. Our Hypnobabies students tell us that our Birth Guide CD is “Pure Gold!”

Unique to Hypnobabies: We require that our Certified Hypnobabies Instructors have a fully trained background in Childbirth and a minimum of 50 hours of Hypnosis training before becoming accepted into our Hypnobabies Instructor Training Program. This ensures that as a Hypnobabies Instructor, all childbirth questions and concerns from each Hypno-couple can be addressed, hypnotic depth can be assessed, and problems such as resistance and abreaction can easily be dealt with. We also require 32 hours of Hypnobabies Instructor Training and have a demanding and rigorous Instructor Certification process.

Unique to Hypnobabies: Our Hypnobabies Instructors are always available for help before, during and after your Hypno-baby is born, and we also have a free Hypnobabies Moms support group attended by certified Hypnobabies Instructors for support and encouragement so that you can enjoy a community where others are using Hypnosis for Childbirth as well.

Unique to Hypnobabies: Hypnobabies includes 18 hours of classroom instruction instead of 8 or 10, and although other childbirth programs may contain some excellent hypno-tools for birthing, none contain the amount of information, in depth hypno-anesthesia, training, practice and support of Hypnobabies. All elements have been carefully designed to work together and the results are excellent.

Hypnobabies is an empowering choice for any woman wanting Hypnosis for Childbirth that works easily and beautifully!

Please see our Hypnobabies Course Outline for more information on what we teach in Hypnobabies Classes.

For self-study options, please visit our Self-Study page for more information on our “Home Study Course for Expectant Mothers”.


A Hypnobabies Mom who has used and taught both Hypnobabies and another birth hypnosis program, presents her clear and unique perspective on the differences between them.

We asked the experts, our Hypno-Moms, “Have you used another method of childbirth preparation before doing Hypnobabies for a subsequent baby’s birth? Please share your experience with those who are new to Hypnobabies and would like some encouragement that Hypnobabies is ‘worth it’ ~

Blair: I wanted to let you know that I used a regular hypnobirthing program for my first birth and have chosen to use Hypnobabies for my current pregnancy. With the hypnobirthing I did not feel as prepared and as confident as I do with this one. Hypnobabies is so much more in depth and comprehensive that it makes all the difference to me. I feel so much more confident in my choices, more prepared to deal with the unexpected and a stronger resolve that things will happen the way that I want them to and not what the Docs want. My birth is not to be convenient for them but all about me and my baby’s health. This pregnancy I have made a lot of major choices like switching to a midwife at 4 months, going to a natural birthing center unit, hiring a doula, and laying out specifically what I want to happen. It is nice to feel empowered by the program simply because I know what me options are. I didn’t get that with the hypnobirthing one and that is something I feel pretty strong about. Hypnobabies (the staff and program) have been so supportive of me that I could not have asked for anything more. Bright Blessings to you!!!
(Blair had a challenging Pitocin induced birth, but did it comfortably with Hypnobabies!)
Susan: I did research on Hyp-birth when I was doing my own comparison shopping before my second birth. What I discovered was that Hypbirth includes ONLY the CDs, and if I remember correctly a video explaining how to use them. There is no childbirth information at all, so you need to go elsewhere to get all the information you need to be fully informed on how to have as safe and healthy a pregnancy and birth as possible. As for the hypnosis, like Hypnobabies, Hypbirth does include a way for women to enter hypnosis very quickly, which is good. But unlike Hypnobabies, Hyp-birth does NOT teach a way to remain deeply in hypnosis and very comfortable while remaining upright and mobile. Which means that many women probably need to remain in bed to be deeply relaxed if things get intense for them at any point.

That is what happened to me while using regular hypnobirthing, (for my first birth) and the result was a much longer birth than I likely would have had if I had been able to remain upright and mobile, as I did with my Hypnobabies birth. That was one of the main reasons I knew Hypnobabies was the best choice for me, and it really came in handy during my second birthing. In fact, I walked very calmly into the birthing center at full dilation. That’s something I never could have done in my first birthing.

Basically, even though Hyp-birth includes much more in depth hypnosis techniques than regular hypnobirthing, it still didn’t have the two things I found to be missing during my first birth. Namely, a complete childbirth education (so I could understand all my options in the rare case that complications arose, and discuss them intelligently with my caregiver – plus use natural alternatives avoid to medical intervention, when possible) and a way to remain calm and comfortable while upright during the more intense parts of the birth. Even though I looked into Hyp-birth while preparing for my second birth, I had discovered during my first birth that I needed more birthing information than I had learned through my hypnobirthing classes, so choosing a program that didn’t include ANY childbirth information wasn’t a good fit for me. And once I found out that it didn’t specifically teach “mobile” hypnosis skills, my decision was clear. I chose Hypnobabies for my second birth and had a fabulous, fully informed, pain-free and mobile birth, just as I hoped I would!

Sarah: I took a hypnobirth course when I was pregnant with my first daughter, and ended up not really using any of the techniques for a variety of reasons. For one thing (the big one), I was never really sold on the idea that it would actually work. There weren’t that many recorded scripts to listen to; my “birth partner” was supposed to supplement those by reading  a few short scripts to me, but DH lost interest in the whole project pretty quickly and was always “too tired” to go over anything with me (which made me frustrated and angry); I found the instructions for the breathing exercises to be confusing and never got the hang of the exercises themselves; and the hypnobirthing book itself, while it has good information, isn’t laid out in a very helpful format.

By the time I got induced, I had pretty much lost interest in going natural. I got an epi when things got ouchy, and gave birth to a lovely little girl. Not a bad experience by any means, but I decided this time around that I’d like to have more control and more options than the first time around.

I haven’t actually birthed using the Hypnobabies course yet, but I have SO much more faith in it than in hypnobirthing. The week-by-week (and in the maintenance phase, day-by-day) schedule is VERY easy to follow. There are more CD scripts to listen to covering more topics. DH is still not very interested (not negative, just not willing to prepare in any way), but I feel like it doesn’t matter nearly as much as I have so much more information available to me–plus I’ve hired a doula who is really interested in hypnosis, so she’ll be there to help me out when needed.

I started doing the course at about 5 months and have followed it pretty faithfully. It’s basically really relaxing and enjoyable, so it hasn’t been a chore to do it. And I’ve been sleeping better than I did with my first pregnancy, so that alone is worth it! Another big plus has been reading all the wonderful birth stories here, which have given me much more confidence than I had with my first pregnancy and birth.

Rose: I took a basic hypnobirthing class with my first child. I found the class empowering, and it enabled me to relax. However, they did not teach us anything but how to relax. I never really felt like I was deeply in hypnosis. During the birth I was relaxed but I did end up asking for narcotics. At the time I knew very little about pain medication.

With my second pregnancy I used the Hypnobabies program and it was amazing. I was deeply in hypnosis, and there are so many wonderful scripts. There is also SO much information on staying healthy and low risk, as well as choices in childbirth. It was so great I flew across country to become an instructor!! :o )
I definitely recommend the Hypnobabies program.

Sandy: I took a private hypnobirthing class with my hypno-doula. I was not happy with the material or the CDs (only 2 come with hypnobirthing the class). My hypno-doula was great and she supplemented the material some, but not enough for me to become comfortable and confident in hypnosis. I then found the Hypnobabies course and ordered it and switched to it. My doula worked with me to learn the new cues and changes and she thought it was great too. If you take a hypnobirthing course, make sure the person truly has a background in hypnosis and is not just a childbirth person who learned hypnosis via hypnobirthing training. Mine was a truly certified hypnotherapist and childbirth educator with strong backgrounds in both.

I personally preferred the Hypnobabies and would choose it again. I love my hypno-doula, but I did not care for the hypnobirthing material. The book doesn’t explain everything – leaves a lot of holes to be filled in by class instructor and they only give you two CDs which don’t really help that much in my opinion. The rainbow relaxation helps you relax but doesn’t really give a lot of post hypnotic suggestions and doesn’t really prepare you near as well as the Hypnobabies CDs. The Hypnobabies course is so much more complete than hypnobirthing, although a few people might find their simpler approach preferable, most people don’t. The extra scripts in the Hypnobabies keeps you from becoming bored listening to same thing all the time and gives you much more tools and scripts to work with.

I had my DS with Hypnobabies in December and it went very well and I did not have pain, although I was uncomfortable at times from the pressure and tightening which was sometimes much more than I expected.

Kirsten D: I had 3 babies before Hypnobabies. Hospital babies. Medically orchestrated babies. Nightmare deliveries. Prep was the hospital course, where they tell you Pitocin does not make birth waves stronger…lies…. They told me how to behave to make life easy for hospital staff. Hypnobabies was a ray of light. I had 3 more babies. Hypnobabies. A home birth, a vaginal breech birth. With Hypnobabies. I wish I had had Hypnobabies from the start, but thanks to having a variety of experiences, I can wholeheartedly endorse Hypnobabies. God bless you, Kerri!

Portia C: For my first child I used the Bradley method and had a hard hospital birth with unwanted medical intervention 30 hours after my water broke. For my second child I had in September, I used Hypnobabies and had an AWESOME birthing experience. Labor started at 8 PM, I went to bed at midnight listening to my birthing day affirmations/ first stage labor, went to the birthing center at 7AM well rested and had my baby girl at 8AM! Such a better way to relax and let your body do the work!

Carly A: I did Hypnobirthing on my first, and Hypnobabies on my second. I felt FAR more prepared and more calm on my second.

Veronica D: I did Hypnobirthing and found that in comparison to Hypnobabies, it was more of a visualization and focusing technique but not a true hypnosis method for managing discomfort. Ultimately I learned more about how to take care of myself and my baby during pregnancy and how to use hypnosis to truly focus and stay as comfortable as possible when the birthing process can get intense. I felt robbed by the Hypnobirthing course after taking Hypnobabies. I hope this helps!

Meinemo M: Hypnobirthing was a waste of time and money. I haven’t tried Hypnobabies yet but that’s on deck for my next birth.

Hailey M: First baby I used Lamaze, had a typical hospital delivery, made it 9 hours with Pitocin, got an epidural, flat on back for 3 hours, pushed for one hour and 9 lb 5 oz baby boy was born. Wasn’t able to nurse him.

Second baby, used Hypnobabies, was in birthing time all day but was so comfortable we didn’t make it to the birthing center before his head was born in the car, got to parking lot and midwives helped deliver the rest of my 9 lb 15 oz baby boy :) Hypnobabies is so amazing! Oh, and number 2 is nursing like a champ!

Kim P: We did regular Lamaze for our first birth (natural). It was a very quick labor and from 6cm through 10cm I was very close to asking for an epidural. I’m quite sure if it had taken any longer to progress that I would have asked for one. Our 2nd birth was a c/s (twin breech). Our 3rd birth was a twin VBAC with Hypnobabies. I had a wonderful birth experience and never had that “out of control” feeling during transition like I had with our first birth. I never felt desperate for it to be over. Just a nice calm feeling that I was in control and everything was progressing like it was supposed to. People find it hard to believe that we had a twin VBAC, but then when they hear it was drug free (and as close to painless as possible) they are really shocked. It also came in handy for IV placement, shots (I had to have terbuteline shots a few times due to PTL), and cervical checks, etc… The nurses actually didn’t believe I was in labor because I was so calm. Definitely worth it!

July P: For my first baby I used a class called natural childbirth offered at the hospital. I was extremely tense during that labor and my baby did not descend. I had a C-section with her. My hypnobaby on the other hand came in three hours. love hypno babies and I would recommend it to anyone. I loved using the relaxation tools before labor and during it. Labor was so much more manageable using the program.

Vanessa M: I used Lamaze and HypnoBirthing… So excited to use Hypnobabies this time!

Bridget E: With my first I just took the hospital class. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go natural at the time, because I was so scared of pain and the unknown, so I decided to play it by ear. I’d heard great things of Lamaze from my mom and other ladies but every time I looked into the “breathing techniques” I just couldn’t buy it. I would probably end up working myself into tizzy trying to figure how to do the breathing right and end up with more stressed. I didn’t really have a plan other than to see how far I could make it without meds and I didn’t last long. Cervadil–Pitocin induction at 41 weeks, begged for epidural at 2cm! Second baby, I found Hypnobabies and dived in head first. Felt so confident and excited for the birth, despite how much I disliked my first one. Water broke naturally on my due date at 6pm and by midnight I had delivered a 10lb 15oz completely natural! Labor was an absolute breeze due to the relaxation techniques I had taught myself, and my hypnosis playing on my ipod. Nothing compares to the confidence this program gives you. Love it!

Shary J. then asked: How different is the Bradley method compared to Hypnobabies? I’m torn btwn the two, don’t know which one to take

Marilyn M: Hypnobabies includes the kind of information you would get in Bradley (nutrition, exercise, the process of birth, risks and benefits of procedures and medications commonly offered, etc.) as well as medical hypnosis techniques for comfort in birthing that you won’t find anywhere else.

Susan M: I took Bradley for my first and used Hypnobabies home study with my second. Both were amazing births and experiences. I’m now a Hypnobabies instructor. I love the whole Hypnobabies philosophy and see more and more how it applies not only to birth but life in general. Our minds, thoughts, and the words we choose to use are so powerful. I saw it in my birth experiences too. And I have to agree that you get everything and more in Hypnobabies that you would get in other classes.

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