Wonderful Twin Hypnobabies Birth Story – With Picture

Wonderful Twin Hypnobabies Birth Story

Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis really does help you enjoy a much easier and more comfortable birthing! Use code hypno1528 for 10% off our Hypnobabies Home Study Courses.

I am so happy to announce the births of Alexandra and Sophia (identical twins). They were born on Nov. 23 at 10:00 am and 10:03 am using Hypnobabies of course!

So here is a little background…

In May 2010 we learned that we were pregnant, which was already a shock but looking at the U/S we saw TWO hearts beating, which was even more of a shock… So having had quite p**nful births in the past (my 3 other beautiful daughters :)) I decided to do some research on birth under hypnosis and that’s how I found Hypnobabies (SUCH A BLESSING!!).

The Preparation

So about 3 months prior to my guess date I decided to order the program and started it about 9 wks before my guess date. I was already listening to the “Twins tracks” and just needed to do the 5 week course. I had such a great time listening to my tracks every night!! (I miss that now!!), not sure if it would work as I always fell asleep listening to them… But I tried to listen to each track at least once while staying “awake”.

On Nov. 15 (34 wks pregnant) I went to my OB and I was already dilated to 2… On Nov. 22 I was 3 so one of my OB (Doc Skeptic) told me that we would just wait until the following week and see what would happen while the other (Doc “For It”) wanted to admit me the following day and start the induction because she felt better knowing that I would already be at the hospital would things really start moving (I have a history of fast labor and I’m “very high risk” plus this time it was twins) So we agreed to come the following day at 5:00 am. I have to specify here that Doc Skeptic was not on board with Hypnosis while Doc “For It” was totally for Hypnobabies! So I really wanted Doc “For It” to be there for the birth!!

The Big Day

Well, that day (still the 22nd) I was having pressure waves that I could feel were making things move, I knew I was getting close. So around 6:00 pm my wonderful husband and I decided to head to the hospital and I got admitted right away to an L&D room, I was 5 cm at that point. They decided to just let my body do its work until the morning because Doc “For It” was not on call that evening, which is exactly what I wanted anyway (I had visualized the birth coming on its own when the babies decided, and that’s what happened). BOP (bubble of peace) We had to deal with the anesthesiologist who really wanted me to have an epidural. We had a sign posted on our door as well as a specific request in our file asking not to have any anesthesia or push us for the epidural. But 3 anesthesiologists came in anyway really pushing hard to sell their drugs and risky procedures (end BOP). I was high risk and Twin B (Sophia) was transverse/breech at that point.  But we were very confident in the natural process and Hypno-anesthesia that we decided to make it plan A while we kept the c-section, plan B. My husband had to forcefully verbally show the anesthesiologists the door as they would not respect our request. He was really my advocate and while I was in my BOP he was the one making clear that the epidural was not an option, we were so confident that Sophia would turn the right way when she would have the room… My husband kept telling the docs the babies will be born one after the other, you’ll see! 🙂

So I spent a peaceful night with my pressure waves continuing to do what they were suppose to do but I was able to sleep through them! I just felt pressure really, no p**n!!


Tuesday morning was there and at 9:15 I was a good 6 to 7 cm and that’s when they decided to break my bag of water, no pitocin (a first for me :)). I was so relieved to know that we would not use pitocin!! And my husband was helping me with his hand on my forehead, repeating all the wonderful things that are written on the script for the transformation phase. I felt the pressure but again NO P**N!! This is truly amazing to me because believe me with my other births, this phase was not pretty!! I spare you the details but I was not smiling! Doc Skeptic was in the room at that point and he could not believe that I was still smiling between my pressure waves, he said that he really liked being in the room with us because it was so peaceful compare to the hectic world outside our room 😉 that made me smile even more! We think Doc Skeptic was in the middle of a transformation as well J!

After probably 15 min of transformation, just when Doc Skeptic decided to leave the room (thinking it would still be a while), I told my husband: “GO get him, I’m ready!” (As Sophia may have stayed breech they wanted to move me to the OR…) So my husband told the doc: “Doc, it’s now or never, babies are coming!” So Doc Skeptic came and checked me and said: “Well, that’s what the perfect patient would tell you! She is complete and baby is at a station 2″ He did not believe how quickly and peacefully I went through transformation!

Well, I lost my concentration at that point because I knew I had to wait to be in the OR before pushing, so I breathed out and tried not to push, which is so hard… Finally we were in the room where I would welcome my babies, so I started to push and 2 min later Alexandra was there at 10:00 am, breathing right away! They put the U/S probe on my belly to see how Sophia was and just as I visualized all those months she was vertex and ready to come! So I gave another push and there she was, breathing right away too! Just 3 minutes after her sister! They both had an apgar score of 9/9, weighed 4# 4oz and measuring 16.5”. Tiny but super healthy and alert and so peaceful after the birth, you could really tell that they did not have much stress during the birth, all that thanks to Hypnobabies!! I cannot tell you the excitement in that room, everybody in there was amazed about this birth (and there were quite a few people in there!! About 10 all ready for an emergency that never came).

My placenta was delivered a few minutes afterwards and I did not have any tear 🙂 I know they were small but still 2 went through… Super fast recovery also.

Doc Skeptic was sold, he finished his transformation as well J he said, “That’s it, I’m going to use hypnosis to loose weight.” 🙂 I was the first vaginal twin birth for a lot of those folks in that OR room… and actually that day I was the only vaginal birth of the whole postpartum floor! Scary when you think of it!!

We had to stay one week in the NICU because they could not regulate their temperature but we are all home now and enjoying our little miracles, our 5 girls!

I just have to add that I chose to use HB and make it work! Just like Kerry says in her article “why hypnosis works for some and not for others”. What is very important, I think, is to choose to make it work and it will!

I tell everyone how wonderful the birth of my girls was and my husband and I recommend HB whenever we can, I love how my husband speaks about HB, it’s just like if he had gone through it himself, adorable!! I’m so thankful to have such a great husband!!

Thank you Kerry for making such a wonderful program! Hypnobabies made this birthing event one of the most beautiful days of our life! The only thing is that I loved it so much that I may want to use it again…



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