Lovely Hypnobabies Birth Center Birth!

Lovely Hypnobabies Birth Center Birth!

A lovely Hypnobabies birth story was posted on Woman Uncensored, called The Birth of Change.

“I used my “deepening” cd (Hypnobabies track for deepening hypnosis) for hypnosis to keep me under.  It was incredible.  I didn’t feel a thing, and I had no sense of how much time was passing.  I was able to support myself on that ball that whole time without even moving.  They said my legs started to shudder a little from exhaustion, but I didn’t feel that either.”

Portrait of a mother with her newborn baby

The mom had a ” traditional” birth for her first baby and was going for something different this time.  She was planning a home birth and used Hypnobabies.  She ended up having a Birth Center birth and used her Hypnobabies really effectively.

“Then suddenly, I was pushing without even meaning to!  It was such an amazing feeling!  I hadn’t been able to feel that when I gave birth to Brooklyn.  They had to TELL me to push with her.  This time it was “well, apparently I’m at 10, because my body is pushing without me!” 

Her baby was posterior and had infrequent, ineffective pressure waves for almost 2 days after her water broke and then an hour of  intense pressure waves and then her baby was in her arms!

I thought it was a wonderful example of choosing care providers wisely.  If she had been in a hospital she would have been pressured into pitocin after about 12 hours.

Congratulations and Enjoy your baby!