Larissa’s Calm, Hypnobabies Hospital Induction

Larissa’s Calm, Hypnobabies Hospital Induction

“I turned on my birthing tracks and sat on the birthing stool, my ball, moved around free as bird off those monitors and wires. I smiled so much much and kept as relaxed as I could.”

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Announcing Davi. Born on 1/19, 22in long 9lbs 8oz. Born at 42 plus 2 weeks gestation.

It wasn’t the birth story I envisioned but it was the perfect birth story for me and Davi.

We arrived at the hospital for our induction on Monday 1/18 at 9 am. We got our initial exam and swabbed for COVID-19. Then we sat there for 2.5 hours while we waited for results, so I sat and crocheted while we told jokes and relaxed. Test came back negative and it was time to get the show on the road.

We went back to the birthing room and my midwife came and talked to me. I was 5.5cm dilated and 70 percent effaced. My options were AROM (artificial rupture of membranes) or Pitocin. We chose a very low dose of pit to slowly see if my body would take over to give me the best shot at a natural unmedicated water birth. I was listening to my Joyful Affirmations track, Eliminate Stress and Anxiety track, and Fear Clearing (Hypnobabies track to release fear) on repeat and 6 hours later at 8ml of pit my body said yes!

My birthing waves (Hypnobabies term for contractions) started and off we went! I turned on my birthing tracks and sat on the birthing stool, my ball, moved around free as bird off those monitors and wires. I smiled so much much and kept as relaxed as I could. Around 8 pm It was getting very intense, so I called my doula to come (since I only got her for 12 hours and anticipated a long birthing time (Hypnobabies term for labor)). I used my Peace cue (Hypnobabies cue for instant physical comfort) and my Special Safe Place a lot.

I asked my midwife if we could use the pool and she said I had to wait 3 hours and show progress and then we can talk. At 11 she came and checked me, and I was 7cm and 80 percent effaced, so I GOT TO RELAX IN THE WATER!! They set it up and 2 hours later I was able to get in! It was pure joy and bliss. I smiled at the end of every wave I was so happy knowing my son was so close to being in my arms. My doula applied counter pressure and my husband did the Relax cue (Hypnobabies cue to deepen hypnosis) over and over. I started feeling strange like I desperately needed to pee but every time I got out and sat on the toilet I couldn’t pee. This made me very uncomfortable.

I called for my midwife, but she was caught in another birth. 4 hours later, at 2 am she still hadn’t come in and I was mentally and physically exhausted I was begging for sleep and waves were starting to wear on me. I couldn’t stay in my hypnosis and started to scream. I got checked again and was at 8 cm and 80 percent effaced. So, I got out of the water and laid on the bed for a few more waves and then asked for the epidural so I could sleep and just have a break before pushing. I got the epidural and then 2 hours later woke up with the urge to push. 30 mins later and 5 pushes I had my son in my arms.

It wasn’t the all-natural birth I planned but I smiled through 95 percent of it, it was overall very calm and my husband and I grew so close through this! I finally have a birth story I feel proud of!


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