Hypno-mom Felt Like a Rock Star After Her Hypnobabies Birth

Hypno-mom Felt Like a Rock Star After Her Hypnobabies Birth

“My midwife kept encouraging me to walk outside, but I was happy listening to my hypnosis tracks, sharing the moment with my wonderful husband and walking in the room. Besides, in just a few hours, I had progressed halfway, I felt that my waves (Hypnobabies word for contractions) were very productive while I just felt pressure. I was comfortable and happy.”

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For the record, I felt empowered, actually like a rock star, after my birthing time.

I started having waves (Hypnobabies word for contractions) on Monday, but they were not strong, close, or consistent at all. So, I decided some light walking and stairs would help to strengthen them.

I was trying to use my Bubble of Peace and keep worries away, but they were always lurking. My birth center was a good 1.5 hours away, so, I wanted to stay home as much as possible and still make it to the birth. Also by this week, I had passed my due date, was scheduled for a 41-week ultrasound, and was told that the birth center doesn’t accept births after 42 weeks. I’m an anxious person by nature and I felt like all these worries were my first childbirth fail.

Trying to push beyond these negative feelings, I kept going to my Special Safe Place, telling baby I was ready whenever he wanted to come by whatever means. Our birth “journey was going to be the perfect journey for us.” I repeated some of my Joyful Pregnancy Affirmations like a prayer for a couple of days, and Tuesday, I was happy to hang out with hubby although pressure waves were getting more constant.

By this point, I was convinced that Hypnobabies was absolutely working, because all I was feeling was pressure, and for all I knew I could be already halfway dilated since I had been losing my mucus plug over the course of a few days. I happily called my doula and told her that, to which she said that I might want to hang out closer to the birth center just in case. We decided to go, just in case, but then I learned that I was not as close to birthing time as I wanted to be, which left me feeling sad. 

Another Fear Clearing session (Hypnobabies track to release fear) and the Visualizing Your Birth track (Hypnobabies track to help imagine my birth the way I wanted it to be) later, I decided that I was going to stay in bed on Wednesday. I had been trying to push a schedule on my baby and I was stopping now. I decided to just let my body and my baby do their thing. I had a couple of naps through the day and at 9 pm things started to pick up. I could feel a difference in the intensity of the waves and I was excited. I tried to sleep, but I was not comfortable lying down.

At 1 am, I called my midwife and she asked about the timing of the waves and told me to get some sleep. I was having trouble timing my waves while being in hypnosis. I just wanted to listen to my hypnosis tracks and make it to the birth center. I took a hot shower at 4 am and made it to the center by 6:45 am. I didn’t want to know how far along I was this time, but they gave me a room, so I took it as a good sign.

By 10 am, I had learned that I was too shy to be walking outside and I felt like I was cheating the system–I was way too comfortable. My midwife kept encouraging me to walk outside, but I was happy listening to my hypnosis tracks, sharing the moment with my wonderful husband, walking, and doing sit-ups in the room. Besides, in just a few hours, I had progressed halfway, I felt that my waves were very productive while I just felt pressure. I was comfortable and happy.

The afternoon, however, took a bit of a toll, I didn’t want to eat what my fabulous doula brought and things stalled until 5:30 pm. Then, my doula started to guide me in funny penguin walks, wave-squats, and exercises. It worked like a charm and by 7 pm, the tub was full and I was almost ready to push.

The water was a godsend as I felt wonderfully warm. I was feeling my waves closer and closer together, but in between, there was just euphoria. I think I was in transformation (Hypnobabies word for transition) when I felt just an intense spike in sensations, making me feel a little tipsy but amazing. That was a wonderful moment. I even felt my baby move down in my body getting ready. However, I made the mistake to announce it too soon. My midwife thought it was time to push and had me change positions in the tub.

That’s when the longest and most frustrating part of my birthing time happened. So far, the time had been passing differently for me and I was in my hypnotic bubble. But, during this time, I would see how anxious, and tired, and worried others were, and at some point that got me out of hypnosis. That, and the fact that I didn’t understand how I was supposed to push. I tried different positions inside and outside the water. I got frustrated and experienced a lot of intense sensations. But, I got back to the water and played my Pushing Baby Out track (Hypnobabies special track for pushing) and literally got right back on track, in hypnosis.

While relaxing and focusing on my body, I finally felt the pushing sensation and I was not doing anything. I felt my belly tighten like I was about to throw up, but in the opposite way, and it felt so good to bear down. By then, enough time had passed that the midwife was considering a transfer. I thought that I might not be able to bring my baby out like I wanted. Then, my fabulous doula reminded me that this was the first of many things that I was going to be able to do just out of love for my baby.

So, I ended up on my back, with my legs up to my ears, listening to cheers every time I pushed. But, it was my husband voice that was the loudest to me, when he exclaimed in awe: “I can see him. He’s almost here.” Then, came the strongest moment of all, and I felt my baby’s body being liberated into the world, into my arms, at 1:20 am, on Friday, June 16, 2017.

I finally had that beautiful face staring at me. I barely heard my midwife explaining that my beautiful ROA baby had tilted his head sideways at some point and that was the reason for the delay. I now know that he was posing for his birth like he poses for pictures, my big flirt.

A - Kimberly Gross
I became passionate about the field of childbirth after the birth of my son and wanted to help families have the best birth experience possible.