Haley’s Calm Hypnobabies Hospital Birth

Close up of newborn baby with big bow hat

Haley’s Calm Hypnobabies Hospital Birth

“After a bit, I went back on monitoring, and I just laid there comfortably with the peanut ball and listened to tracks and talked a little with my husband. After the nurses left, he asks me “so, what exactly are we waiting on right now?”… I laughed and said, “for our baby to be born!” Haha! We didn’t practice cues together this time, so I think he just saw how relaxed I was and didn’t realize how close it was.”

Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis really does help you enjoy a much easier and more comfortable birthing! Use code hypno1528 for 10% off our Hypnobabies Home Study Courses.

I had an appointment on a Monday with my OB at 39+5 weeks. I told her I felt like baby would be here by the end of the week.

Close up of newborn baby with big bow hatI had practice waves (Hypnobabies term for contractions) most days for a couple of weeks prior. On Thursday, the day after my guess date (Hypnobabies term for due date), I had bloody show around 11am. Waves started an hour later and stayed fairly consistent. I thought it was birthing time (Hypnobabies term for labor), so I began listening to Birthing Day Affirmations. The waves fizzled out by that night to less intense and farther apart though. At midnight, I was awakened by strong waves. I timed them to be 6-7 minutes apart. I tried to relax  while I listened to Fear Clearing (Hypnobabies track to let go of any fear), Visualize Your Birth and Birthing Day Affirmations.. I wasn’t able to go back to sleep from the excitement. I told my husband I was positive baby was ready to be born that day. Happy Friday!

I then walked around my house, bounced and sat on the birthing ball, and used my peanut ball at home, all while listening to my tracks like Easy First Stage (Hypnobabies main birthing day track), and Deepening Your Hypnosis (Hypnobabies track to deepen the level of hypnosis). I also was practicing my techniques like the Peace Cue (Hypnobabies cue for instant physical comfort) and Release Cue (Hypnobabies cue to instantly enter hypnosis), which I needed as the pressure waves grew stronger. My other two kiddos were already at their grandparent’s house for fall break (great timing!), so I relaxed as much as I could at home. Decided around 10am that it was time to head to the hospital. Waves were about 3 minutes apart and very strong.

Got to the hospital and things slowed down slightly from the change in scenery and my personal anxiety around others. I informed the nurses right away that I was using Hypnobabies and to please just give me a moment if I don’t respond to them right away. They were intrigued by Hypnobabies. I was 6cm dilated and admitted. Got to my room and they gave me some water and set me up for intermittent monitoring, and I was able to relax a bit more again.

When they took the monitoring off, I was able to sit on the birthing ball and walk around, which helped a lot. The nurses were so wonderful and respectful of my choices. They also commented on how calm I was. They asked me my preferences on common practice hospital things because I had forgotten to bring in my birth plan. They followed every one of them without question.

After a bit, I went back on monitoring, and I just laid there comfortably with the peanut ball and listened to tracks and talked a little with my husband. After the nurses left, he asks me “so, what exactly are we waiting on right now?”… I laughed and said, “for our baby to be born!” Haha! We didn’t practice cues together this time, so I think he just saw how relaxed I was and didn’t realize how close it was.

After another bit, I started feeling fuzzy and tingling all over. I remembered that I felt like that during transformation (Hypnobabies term for transition) with my second. They checked me again and I was at 9 cm with just a lip around. They called for the doctor. When she got there, she checked and said the lip was gone and I was at 10cm. I started losing feeling in my hands (same as my second birth) and knew it was almost time to start pushing. I got on all fours and leaned my arms and chest on the peanut ball, which felt so nice for extra support. I started feeling the urge to push and told them I was. They were all getting things ready behind me, and I just started pushing while I felt urges while listening to the Pushing Baby Out track (Hypnobabies track just for pushing). After a big push, I thought I felt her head come out fully, but they said it was only to her nose. One small push later and her head was out. I started feeling tired at this point, but the nurses and my husband were encouraging me. Just a couple more pushes later and she was born!

We had our skin-to-skin time immediately while they dried her off a bit on my chest. A while later, they took her off to weigh her and clean up a bit more while they did my stitches. I had to continue using techniques for that part. Unfortunately, I had another 3rd degree tear, but I still think pushing on all fours was better for me this time.

This being my final baby, I am so happy with the way her birth went. The time felt like it went by faster because of Hypnobabies, just like with my second birth. Some of the nurses kept commenting how impressive it was to see someone go without an epidural. I kept telling them about Hypnobabies and that I couldn’t do it without it!

My sweet girl Holland Sierra