First Time Mom Rachel’s Hypnobabies Birth Center Waterbirth

one month old baby laying on chair with a grey striped blanket

First Time Mom Rachel’s Hypnobabies Birth Center Waterbirth

“There is no doubt Hypnobabies gave me the tools to get through a natural birthing time (Hypnobabies term for labor). It was powerful and intense, but I’m so glad we did the prep work for birth. I got the most out of using Finger Drop, Release (Hypnobabies cue to instantly enter hypnosis) and Peace cue (Hypnobabies cue for instant physical comfort).”

Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis really does help you enjoy a much easier and more comfortable birthing! Use code hypno1528 for 10% off our Hypnobabies Home Study Courses.

7/17 0241 am: I’m tossing and turning in bed, have not slept a wink yet (no waves, just couldn’t get comfortable in bed) and I hear a pop with an immediate gush and soak our comforter that I’m lying on top of! I turn to my husband… “we’re having a baby today!” As he gets up, all excited, I “remind” him there’s no need to rush but hurry him to get the comforter in the washer, so it’s not ruined! Lol. Also, that this is my first, so it’ll probably take a little.


My waves (Hypnobabies term for contractions) came fast and furiously at 2-3 mins apart within 5 minutes of my water breaking. I attempt to rinse in the shower but am brought to my hands and knees by my intense waves. I try to get in hypnosis, but I’m unable to get in any sort of fully supportive position, so I wing it and my husband helps me to my feet and I put all my weight on him (and pee on the floor during a wave… whoops) to use my Release and finger drop (Hypnobabies tools to enter hypnosis) then pretty much immediately count up to two and switch to Center (Hypnobabies tool for being in hypnosis with eyes open) so I can get moving as my doula and midwife said I should probably head in to the birth center (an hour away). I put on Easy First Stage (Hypnobabies main birthing time track) and have become very vocal during waves with a low pitched, but loud hum.

We make the hour-long drive as I listen to my tracks in the car. I’m in the back seat laying down and try a new technique, the “lip-trill” also known as horse lips, since my waves are so intense. My Hypnobabies instructor mentioned it worked for her and it seemed to be helping me relax!

0430 am: We arrive at the birth center and I have my first cervical check (so I can be admitted) and I’m 5 cm and 90% effaced. I make it to the room and am being comforted, fed ice chips, and given hip squeezes by my husband and doula as my tracks play out loud. I continue to be very vocal and/or using the horse lips noise to relax through my waves. I do often have to use finger drop to get back into hypnosis.

0700 am: My eyes remain closed most of my birthing time unless I need to switch positions. I feel a lot of discomfort with any movement and just want to stay still, but I know that may slow my progress, so my doula encourages and helps me change for left to right side lying and then to the tub (which didn’t work for me), back to the bed.

0830 am: And then we try the toilet… that’s when my doula notices some bloody show and I mention that I don’t feel like there’s a break between my waves anymore. Looking back I remember thinking “I don’t think I can do this any longer, but if I say that, they may think I’m in transformation (Hypnobabies term for transition) … and if I’m not, then how will I actually make it through transformation” (That was definitely transformation btw.. I was just in denial).

The toilet was NOT comfortable, BUT it’s where I made the most progress. My husband (bless his sweet soul) is on his hands and knees to be my support to lean on while I’m going through waves on the toilet. My doula later told me I began making pushing sounds, so she calls my midwife in. As she checks me with a flashlight “You’re crowning! If you want a water birth, we need to get you in the tub!” They knew I really wanted a water birth, so with a little encouragement, I make it back in the tub.

Things slow down a little and though I wouldn’t say I was “comfortable,” I preferred the pushing phase in the water since I seemed to have a few short breaks. I’m absolutely exhausted and feel like I’m losing energy to push this baby out (I also have the ‘Pushing Baby Out’ track on out loud).

1100 am: Someone brings me a popsicle, which gives me a little energy. A fire was ignited, and I found my strength as I reach down and feel his head, “I want my baby!!” I yell and become very vocal with each following push. I feel the powerful stretching sensations and give it everything I’ve got, guiding his head out and birthing his body in one good long push (with a few breaths).

1112 am: I’m holding my newborn baby boy 💙

There is no doubt Hypnobabies gave me the tools to get through a natural birthing time. It was powerful and intense, but I’m so glad we did the prep work for birth. I got the most out of using Finger Drop, Release (Hypnobabies cue to instantly enter hypnosis) and Peace cue (Hypnobabies cue for instant physical comfort). I remained very focused and inward, unable to really verbalize much during my birthing time. My husband was an active participant in the course and really was my biggest support especially throughout the end of my pregnancy and during my birthing time.

I was 41+2 and feel I was able to remain relaxed and not anxious as I fully believed that my baby knew when to be born.

Things I tried within 24 hrs of baby being born: lots of dates in my smoothie, Mexican food, some love makin’, red raspberry leaf tea, and I had a chiropractor adjustment with dry needling 2 days before (also had regular appointments throughout my pregnancy).