First Time Mom Amy’s Hypnobabies Hospital Birth

First Time Mom Amy’s Hypnobabies Hospital Birth

“I felt a huge gush and my water broke. I quickly progressed to 10 cm dilated. I laid on my right side as my husband held my left leg up and turned Pushing Baby Out (Hypnobabies track for pushing stage) on the speakers and I focused my attention on my Hypno-anesthesia. 10 minutes later I hear the midwife tell my husband to see your son coming out, and then she tells me to grab my baby. I reach down and pull him to my chest.”

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Our hypno-baby had a guess date (Hypnobabies word for due date) of August 30th, on the 28th I had my weekly appt with the midwife, I had been having intermittent practice waves (Braxton Hicks) all week but nothing that was progressing, so I agreed to a cervical check and was happy to hear I was 3 cm and 70% effaced. I went home, walked the dog and did some of my exercises, that night I was feeling kind of “blah”, so I went to bed at like 8:30 listening to my tracks.

I woke up around 2 am on the 29th feeling more pressure waves (Hypnobabies word for contraction) but I thought these felt different. I turned back on my Hypnobabies tracks and tried to get some sleep. I was able to sleep on and off until 6:30ish when I went downstairs and made breakfast. I decided to time the waves and they were consistently 12 minutes apart. I texted my mom and sister saying it might be the day and then woke my husband up saying I don’t think you should go to work today. I listened to my Fear Clearing Track (Hypnobabies track to release any fear) and Birthing Day Affirmations and then we timed another round of waves. They were about 6-7 minutes apart, so we called the midwife office to let them know what is going on. They asked us to come to the office to be checked, when we got there I was 4 cm and 80% effaced. We decided to go home and try to progress further there.

We stopped for lunch at Panera and on the way home my waves began radiating into my lower back. They were so intense and unexpected. At home, I took a bath and listened to Easy First Stage (Hypnobabies main birthing day track) but was having trouble getting my anesthesia to my back. I tried to keep myself in the center (Hypnobabies technique for being in hypnosis while able to have eyes-open and walk and talk) most the afternoon doing exercises to relieve the pressure, my husband was attempting counter pressure but the time between waves seemed to only last a few minutes and I was struggling with the waves. The back waves completely threw me off. We timed them, and I was shocked when Jason said they are 3 minutes apart.

We got in the car and called the midwife on our way to the hospital. We get to the hospital and I am hooked to the monitor at 2:45. The midwife comes in and checks me and I am 6 cm 85% effaced. They are trying to get a room clean for me, but in the meantime, we stayed in the triage room. I am listening to Easy First Stage again leaning against the head of the bed while the nurse applied pressure to my back. They brought in an exercise ball and I rotated back and forth between leaning over the bed and squatting.

The waves were getting so intense I asked for pain medicine. The midwife checked me, and I was 8 cm dilated and 100% effaced. Too late for any medicine. As she told me that I felt a huge gush and my water broke. I quickly progressed to 10 cm dilated. I laid on my right side as my husband held my left leg up and turned Pushing Baby Out  (Hypnobabies track for pushing stage) on the speakers and I focused my attention on my anesthesia. 10 minutes later I hear the midwife tell my husband to see your son coming out, and then she tells me to grab my baby. I reach down and pull him to my chest. Chase was born on August 29th at 4:13 pm in the triage room. The whole experience is still so surreal, and I am so thankful for Hypnobabies giving me a calm pregnancy and birthing time.

A - Kimberly Gross
I became passionate about the field of childbirth after the birth of my son and wanted to help families have the best birth experience possible.