First Time Mom Adriana’s Quick, Beautiful Hypnobabies Birth

First Time Mom Adriana’s Quick, Beautiful Hypnobabies Birth

“Hypnobabies taught me so many invaluable things like to trust and listen to my body completely, know only I can create my experience and no one can tell me how it will go, how powerful the mind is, and how BEAUTIFUL birthing is!!!”

Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis really does help you enjoy a much easier and more comfortable birthing! Use code hypno1528 for 10% off our Hypnobabies Home Study Courses.

On August 24th at 9:50am we brought our first little baby to this world! Sabrina Noeline Beals came in at 7lbs 6oz after 4 hours and 20 minutes of my water breaking and birthing waves coming fast, we had just the most beautiful birth. Even my hubby was saying how thankful he is we did it this way and he was so amazed at how calm I was considering in the past I grew up fighting terrible anxiety to the point where my panic attacks paralyzed me for hours.

My birthing time definitely was different from how I rehearsed it as it went SO fast but the path my baby chose was more perfect than I could’ve planned and I am so thankful! Since this was my first birth I wasn’t even sure I was timing my birthing waves correctly (If they even really were birthing waves) and was questioning myself if it was really time to leave as I started feeling the need to bear down pretty quickly. I thought I just had to poop and was thinking of staying and trying to use the bathroom! ?

Luckily we listened to my body and left for the birth center and she told me that that “poop” feeling is actually the baby and I shouldn’t hold it in any longer and just push!! So I put on my Pushing Baby Out track, got in the bathtub, and starting pushing and the pressure waves were SO powerful I started making very loud guttural noises as I pushed as it felt SO good!

When she came out it was even the most amazing feeling ever and I couldn’t believe how fast it went for my first time especially as everyone kept telling me it would probably go for a day or longer. I was told so much like how it would be hard, I would go past my due date, my birthing time would be SO long. Even my birthing partner kept joking about how she’ll be a September baby. But I knew only me and my baby knows our path, and I had complete faith in me and my body.

Hypnobabies taught me so many invaluable things like to trust and listen to my body completely, know only I can create my experience and no one can tell me how it will go, how powerful the mind is, and how BEAUTIFUL birthing is!!! My hubby took a video so I may share that later too!

Thank you SO much Hypnobabies for the most perfect easy birth ? I am so thankful for my birthing experience and the path I chose for me and my baby ?

A - Kimberly Gross
I became passionate about the field of childbirth after the birth of my son and wanted to help families have the best birth experience possible.