Brooke’s Hypnobabies Change of Plans Birth

Brooke’s Hypnobabies Change of Plans Birth

“Overall I am so so glad I decided to use Hypnobabies for this birth and if we have another I will definitely use it again! It is well worth the time and practice to have the confidence and positive feelings that everything will go as planned!”

Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis really does help you enjoy a much easier and more comfortable birthing! Use code hypno1528 for 10% off our Hypnobabies Home Study Courses.

My baby girl is now a month old but I just wanted to share the short version of my birth story to hopefully encourage anyone else that may have a similar situation. Things don’t always go as planned but you can still have a beautiful story and of course, you get to meet your sweet miracle at the end and it’s all worth it!

With my first birth (our son, who is now almost 2yrs), we started out in a birth center and I was in my birthing time (Hypnobabies word for labor) for 24 hours before going to the hospital for an epidural due to failure to progress past 6 cm. Nothing went wrong, it just wasn’t the birth I’d hoped for.

This time our plan was to have a home birth. We used a midwife throughout pregnancy and I prepared as much as I possibly could. I started Hypnobabies around 28 weeks – and went through all the material fairly slowly. I listened to my hypnosis tracks almost every day – and if I couldn’t get it in during the day I would listen as I was going to bed – but would mostly fall asleep during these. My husband was on board but didn’t go through the material and only listened to the tracks a couple of times. He knew the cues though and was prepared to help me with my hypnosis during birthing time.

I started my birthing time at home and was able to breathe through my waves (Hypnobabies word for contractions) for about 20 hours (I believe only because of my hypnosis tools). I listened to my tracks almost this entire time. Sometimes out loud on a Bluetooth speaker and sometimes with headphones. I was usually in the center (Hypnobabies technique for being in hypnosis with eyes open) when the tracks were playing out loud, but I was able to have my switch “off” (Hypnobabies technique for entering hypnosis) as long as I had the headphones in or during pressure waves. I cannot express to you how much this helped me! I was able to remain calm, relaxed and in hypnosis for the majority of the time. My waves were much much easier this time compared to my last birth. It definitely was not pain-free as some others have said – but I felt much more prepared and way more relaxed. I was able to breathe through waves on my own as opposed to my husband applying counter pressure the entire time during my last birth!

Long story short – I was at 8cm for around 8 hours and I stopped progressing and we decided to go to the hospital. At this point I stopped listening to my tracks and looking back there was definitely a difference in my response to my waves – I wasn’t as relaxed and I was more uncomfortable. I ended up getting an epidural at the hospital and pushing for over an hour. I was exhausted after almost 24 hours of pressure waves so I slept in-between pushing. But we finally got our sweet healthy baby girl!

Overall I am so so glad I decided to use Hypnobabies for this birth and if we have another I will definitely use it again! It is well worth the time and practice to have the confidence and positive feelings that everything will go as planned! The tracks that helped me the most were the daily affirmations, deepening, and visualizing your birth!