Adrienne’s Calm Hypnobabies Birth

New parent sleeping in hospital bed with new baby sleeping nearby in bassinet

Adrienne’s Calm Hypnobabies Birth

“By 9:30 I am feeling very pushy, so my midwife comes. my Hypnobabies track ended right at 9:30 and before we can play Pushing Baby Out (Hypnobabies track just or pushing), I done already pushed my baby out! All the nurses and midwife couldn’t believe how calm I was the whole time during my Hypnobabies birth especially with no medication because I’m stubborn and hate needles haha. So thankful for Hypnobabies!”

Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis really does help you enjoy a much easier and more comfortable birthing! Use code hypno1528 for 15% off our Hypnobabies Home Study Courses.

May 17th 2:15am I started feeling practice waves (Hypnobabies term for contractions), they weren’t too uncomfortable, but I couldn’t sleep so I listened to a few Hypnobabies tracks on the couch to get a little rest. the rest of the day I had practice waves every 3 min to sometimes every 10min that stalled by night, so I knew it wasn’t time.

New parent sleeping in hospital bed with new baby sleeping nearby in bassinetMay 18th woke up again to practice waves 3 min apart but never growing in strength, so I just went about my day and tried to rest. By about 3am they were getting more uncomfortable, so we called my midwife to be sure of what to do. Since I would be 41 weeks the 19th, I had an appt. with them at 7:30am so she said to just come in for that. I played “Your Birthing Time Begins” (Hypnobabies reminder of all the tools for birthing) with the thought that these were just more practice waves and listened to a few tracks to get some much-needed rest.

May 19th went to my appt. while listening to Deepening Your Hypnosis (Hypnobabies track to deepen the level of hypnosis) in the car. Got an ultrasound and NST to make sure everything was good. It was! but you could see on the NST that I was having regular waves. The nurse asked me if I could feel them. my reply “oh yeah, but they are manageable” haha. My midwife checked my cervix and to my and her surprise I was at 5cm! So, she said I could head to the hospital. She couldn’t believe I was just sitting quietly on the table waiting for her to come in. On our way to the hospital, we stopped and got breakfast and walked a little. I also listened to “Needles Are OK” (Hypnobabies track for fear of needles) in preparation for the saline lock I had agreed to do with the hospital procedure.

1:00pm, I get admitted, I have my headphones in one ear and am constantly listening to random tracks at this point. they start my saline lock and blood test. Normally I am a fainter and get very scared, but it went super well, and it was done with no issues! my doula also arrived! my cervix is checked again and I’m at 6cm! everything is still manageable.

1:30-5:30 I get constantly stronger waves which makes me think I am progressing, but they are still quite manageable. but they check me and I’m still at 6cm. So, we decide to break my water to see if things progress. I am feeling quite discouraged at this point, so I decide to start listening to Easy First Stage (Hypnobabies main birthing day track). They start to progress.

9:00 I am getting very shaky and having constant waves which makes me think that I am in transformation (Hypnobabies term for transition) and the end is near! I utilize relaxation tricks like deep tones and horse lips to get better deep breaths while continuing to listen to Easy First Stage, the affirmations were perfect for my situation. By 9:30 I am feeling very pushy, so my midwife comes. my Hypnobabies track ended right at 9:30 and before we can play Pushing Baby Out (Hypnobabies track just or pushing), I done already pushed my baby out! I ended up pushing on my side because it was the most comfortable and I was pretty tired. Funnily the part where no tracks were playing (During pushing) is kind of the only part of birthing I remember haha. Overall, it was an intense experience but extremely empowering! All the nurses and midwife couldn’t believe how calm I was the whole time during my Hypnobabies birth especially with no medication because I’m stubborn and hate needles haha. So thankful for Hypnobabies!

Read another great birth story HERE!